Exoplanets may be hiding behind the 'Neptunian ridge

"To understand how the Neptunian desert and savanna evolved, Bourrier and colleagues used data from NASA's Kepler space telescope. Defining precise regions of the "Neptunian landscape," they found a distinct region between the desert and the savanna, representing an orbital period of 3.2 to 5.7 Earth days. They dubbed this the "Neptunian ridge," finding that it reveals some of the intricate processes of Neptunian planet migration."

This is interesting orbital period area using the exoplanet sites. https://exoplanet.eu/home/

At the exoplanet.eu site I found 947 listed in this orbit period range. Masses run 0.2606 earth up to 60.86 Jupiter masses so some very large exoplanets in this orbit range.

https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/index.html, using this site I found 916 exoplanets. Masses run 0.365 earth masses up to 22.1 Jupiter masses. Plenty to study here and sort out :)


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