Exploring Dimensions and Imagination

Jan 2, 2024
Exploring Dimensions and Imagination


Mathematics is a powerful tool for exploring the universe, and imagination is equally essential. For imagination to be valuable, it must align with scientific facts, allowing mathematics to enhance ideas by adding structure through mathematical logic.

In recent years, philosophy seems to have lost its way. Its contribution to science has been limited by the complexity of theories like String Theory and Relativity. Science fiction has almost stepped in to replace philosophy by proposing ideas that "might be real." While science fiction is often more engaging, it lacks discipline.

In what follows, I offer my perspective on reality, minimizing the need for deep mathematical arguments while leveraging advancements in mathematics and physics to imagine new possibilities.

Four and More Dimensions

Encouraging anyone to think in four dimensions is challenging. Mathematics helps us break this barrier, and through valid analogy, we can explore additional dimensions with our imagination.

"Sphereland" by Dionys Burgert is a fictional book that demonstrates how our perception of reality might be limited. I recommend this book as a way to address any lack of clarity in my explanations. However, I will attempt to share some thoughts to help you understand my ideas and biases.

Consider a point (.). If you existed within a point, you would be aware of nothing except your existence. If you existed on a line, you could travel from one end to the other. If that line were a circle, you could move forward indefinitely, unable to explain why you passed the same place repeatedly.

However, a person in two dimensions, such as on a flat plane, would easily understand why the circular line is repetitive. Similarly, the two-dimensional plane might be on the surface of a sphere, and a 2D person could not readily perceive a volume. They too would travel around and around without understanding. But then along comes a 3D person, spots the sphere, and sees the obvious reason for the motion.

Now here’s the thing: the environment of 4D!

To be continued but it may take a while for me to get my Ducks in a row and I need to acknowledge

the contributions made by persons in this Forum.
Jan 2, 2024
The Spacetime Manifold

The Universe exists as a structure within a four-dimensional embedding space. Our familiar spatial dimensions—height, length, and width—are complemented by an additional dimension in this embedding space, which shares the same characteristics as the other three. These four dimensions are indistinguishable from one another, with no single dimension taking precedence over the others.

Our universe, however, is distinct. It manifests as an n-sphere, an expanding entity within this 4D space. The time dimension differs from the three dimensions we recognize as space. More intriguingly, all four dimensions are unique to our universe and have no counterparts in the embedding space.

In our universe, space possesses curvature, while time has a radial direction without curvature.

This provides the foundational context and framework for what follows, either as a separate post on this thread or as an edit to this one.

This is an edit showing the conclusion (a discussion continues below in subsequent posts)

The diagram tells the tale. Recap: Time runs orthogonally (90 degrees) to Space.
Astronomers assume time runs parallel (Flatland), it doesn't it runs radially (Sphereland).
Re Diagram - The little person at the top (A) looks out over to the furthest distance toward E but assumes Flatland because he is a flatlander :triumph:
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What is the 4 dimension that has length and direction different than the first 3? The first 3 can exist without time. Can the 4th exist without time?

How is the 4th orthogonal to the first 3? You have said the 4th has the same character as the first 3. What direction is the 4th? AND at what angle.

How about one orthogonal dimension, length, and time to describe it’s motion? That’s much simpler.

Time is not related to space. Space is just emptiness for motion to occur. Motion produces time.

Time and energy are just simply motion. That’s all it is. Space has no motion.

And motion is just as mysterious today as in the past.

The most misunderstood motion is light. Light does not hum like sound. It squeaks. Quantum squeaks. Sound has frequency, light has duty cycle. Light blinks.

Redshift is NOT Doppler. There are NO high galactic velocities and NO expanding space.

The expansion is very slight and creeping, due to the decay of matter and the decay of gravity.

And will continue forever.

Light is naturally space length modulated. That’s how an inverted duty cycle works.

But light has blinded science. Into a false mathematical and information cosmos.

Time is not a spacial dimension. It’s a motion product. And it’s omnipresent. And it’s rate is constant and quantum. Can not be changed. Time itself unifies all motion. And all length.

All of this modern theory comes from frequency of light, and light doesn’t have a frequency.

And no one knows this. So they play with time and space.

The motion in and thru space is a square motion. A quantum character, property, is the squarest thing there is. Restricted with quantum time and quantum length. Producing the quantum effect.

The concept of light is a false concept producing illusions. Illusions of space and of time.

This cosmos is pure mechanics. Hard time. Unbreakable. We are sealed right here.

This is just my supposition to your supposition. And nothing else. Please continue.

I’ve been trying to understand this modern time thing for a long time. I’ll need more convincing.
Jan 2, 2024
I had not anticipated responses before having posted the complete theory which pulls together my previous post + some counter ideas/facts others have posted either in support or in protest. My bad. I am struggling to come up with a viable solution but I will press ahead until it all gets too confusing and then post the next logical step to pull together time, 'c', and dark energy (the latter as an associated item). Just a reminder to anyone reading; the facts need checking by you but the logic is my opinion right or wrong!

What is the 4 dimension that has length and direction different than the first 3? The first 3 can exist without time. Can the 4th exist without time?
I proposed the existence of a four-dimensional embedding space, where each dimension is orthogonal to the others. Within this space, our universe is situated, similar to a bubble in a tank of water. I suggest that our universe is closed and topologically resembles a sphere.

The configuration of the four dimensions within this spherical space differs from that of the embedding space. In a future post on this thread, I will provide a comprehensive explanation to address your question, which essentially asks "what and where."
How about one orthogonal dimension, length, and time to describe it’s motion? That’s much simpler.
This does not work for the model of this thread
ime is not related to space. Space is just emptiness for motion to occur. Motion produces time.

Time and energy are just simply motion. That’s all it is. Space has no motion.

And motion is just as mysterious today as in the past.
Not all existence is compatible with a purely engineered perspective and this assertion does not anticipate my future posts explaining this thread :)
Time is not related to space. Space is just emptiness for motion to occur. Motion produces time.

Time and energy are just simply motion. That’s all it is. Space has no motion.

And motion is just as mysterious today as in the past.

The most misunderstood motion is light. Light does not hum like sound. It squeaks. Quantum squeaks. Sound has frequency, light has duty cycle. Light blinks.

Redshift is NOT Doppler. There are NO high galactic velocities and NO expanding space.

The expansion is very slight and creeping, due to the decay of matter and the decay of gravity.

And will continue forever.

Light is naturally space length modulated. That’s how an inverted duty cycle works.

But light has blinded science. Into a false mathematical and information cosmos.

Time is not a spacial dimension. It’s a motion product. And it’s omnipresent. And it’s rate is constant and quantum. Can not be changed. Time itself unifies all motion. And all length.

All of this modern theory comes from frequency of light, and light doesn’t have a frequency.

And no one knows this. So they play with time and space.

The motion in and thru space is a square motion. A quantum character, property, is the squarest thing there is. Restricted with quantum time and quantum length. Producing the quantum effect.

The concept of light is a false concept producing illusions. Illusions of space and of time.

This cosmos is pure mechanics. Hard time. Unbreakable. We are sealed right here.

This is just my supposition to your supposition
All of the above appear to be ideas of your own which might be better placed as a thread of your own (?):neutral::)

Please continue.

I’ve been trying to understand this modern time thing for a long time. I’ll need more convincing.
That is the point of this thread and I thank you for your time reading it
Jan 2, 2024
Time Identified

Distance and time can be converted into each other using the speed of light (c) as the conversion factor. The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, meaning 1 second is equivalent to 299,792,458 meters. Therefore, seconds and meters can be considered interchangeable. The diagram below is a graph that is extended to show the time dimension growing in both directions.

It is possible to interpret the diagram differently. Consider all radii as representing the direction of time, while the circumference represents our three-dimensional space.


To represent our universe as a whole, we can label the horizontal axis as 13.77 billion light-years and the vertical axis as 13.77 billion years. Evidence for this relationship is provided by Special Relativity, which will be discussed later as a straightforward way to understand the dilation of time, distance, and relative mass.
[url=https://postimages.org/]new keyboard keys[/URL]

If you add 1 second of time 300,000km of distance is added (like it or not) which is the speed of light. This is the speed of radial expansion and therefore the speed of the expansion of our universe (radial increase).

A more complex diagram, involving two spatial dimensions and one time dimension, can help visualize the expansion of the universe as a whole. Including the third spatial dimension would complicate the diagram. A tesseract would be inaccurate.

Further expansion of the thread to follow. But Note: The time and space model determines 'the speed of light' there is no alternative arrangement. However, if you imagine another additional time process you could ask what happens if time runs faster.

*For convenience, I refer to a dimension as time. However, this is not time in the conventional sense. Time is the process of dimensional increase in the expansion of our universe and can be thought of as a form of dark energy.
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Jan 2, 2024
Exploring Distance and Time in Special Relativity

Check out this diagram to see its connection to Special Relativity. It illustrates how to calculate time dilation, distance, and relative mass using the equivalence of time and distance.

Instead of just using 1 second and 300,000 km (approx.), we can apply the entire age of the universe to extend Special Relativity from a local rule to a universal one. By doing this and then adding 1 second to the circumference, we can estimate how much the circumference might increase.

The model is supported by its results, which closely align with the observed values of the Hubble Constant. This suggests that the model I'm describing has validity based on cosmological observations.

Note: If the universe is spinning (rotating) in an embedding space, this might imply that 4D embedding space has some reality. I also assume there would be some flattening at the poles. Could this radial variation (from flattening) explain Hubble Tension perhaps? If it could then this may help to confirm a spin

To be continued in the next post from me to explain why we think the universe is accelerating and the flatness issue
The Spacetime Manifold

The Universe exists as a structure within a four-dimensional embedding space. Our familiar spatial dimensions—height, length, and width—are complemented by an additional dimension in this embedding space, which shares the same characteristics as the other three. These four dimensions are indistinguishable from one another, with no single dimension taking precedence over the others.

Our universe, however, is distinct. It manifests as an n-sphere, an expanding entity within this 4D space. The time dimension differs from the three dimensions we recognize as space. More intriguingly, all four dimensions are unique to our universe and have no counterparts in the embedding space.

In our universe, space possesses curvature, while time has a direction without curvature.

This provides the foundational context and framework for what follows, either as a separate post on this thread or as an edit to this one
Its not space alone which is curved, it is space-time
The Spacetime Manifold

The Universe exists as a structure within a four-dimensional embedding space. Our familiar spatial dimensions—height, length, and width—are complemented by an additional dimension in this embedding space, which shares the same characteristics as the other three. These four dimensions are indistinguishable from one another, with no single dimension taking precedence over the others.

Our universe, however, is distinct. It manifests as an n-sphere, an expanding entity within this 4D space. The time dimension differs from the three dimensions we recognize as space. More intriguingly, all four dimensions are unique to our universe and have no counterparts in the embedding space.

In our universe, space possesses curvature, while time has a direction without curvature.

This provides the foundational context and framework for what follows, either as a separate post on this thread or as an edit to this one
( Minkowski said.) "Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality"...
Space has no meaning, without time, and vice versa. They form an indivisible union, referred to as space-time . So,.. It is actually space-time, not space alone, which can be curved. As for time, well it can only advance, but as a military leader who was forced to retreat once said... I'm still advancing, Just in the opposite direction. You come across as a bright person, So I'm sure if you dwell on it long enough, you will understand the principle!

retreat once said... I'm still advancing, Just in the opposite direction.
Jan 2, 2024
( Minkowski said.) "Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality"...
Space has no meaning, without time, and vice versa. They form an indivisible union, referred to as space-time . So,.. It is actually space-time, not space alone, which can be curved. As for time, well it can only advance, but as a military leader who was forced to retreat once said... I'm still advancing, Just in the opposite direction. You come across as a bright person, So I'm sure if you dwell on it long enough, you will understand the principle!
Thanks for your reply it gives me the chance to explain. Regarding direction: check out the first graph. It is unusual that all quadrants are drawn. Time points in an opposite direction also. It is drawn as would be for an observer at position A. The person was at the origin. They have no speed and arrive at A as a result of time passing.
If A were to have some speed the graph would rotate.

I thought the illustrations were clear enough to show that space and time are integrated (spacetime). most people know this. I thought the graphs showed why.

But let's not get confused by embedding space. This is quite different to our universe. It is not spacetime (if it exists). It is a 4D environment in which the normal Tesseract would be valid. Our universe (depending on how many spatial dimensions you include*) is 4D spacetime. Time is the process of increase (expansion of the universe) and takes place as an increase in space (distance). A radius.

The concept may be clearer if I say that if expansion paused then so would time. Similarly, if the process reversed then time would continue. It is the change of three-dimensional space that we call time. The time dimension is different to spatial dimensions. Only one dimension of space is shown in the latter diagrams - the circumference of the circle.

To understand space as the circle you would need to review a hypersphere.

* The normal constructs that illustrate the universe over time are misleading. They assume a mysterious function for Time that enables a fanciful illustration without any idea of the time process or any definition applied to it.
A better illustration of reality would be to draw concentric circles. The available evidence suggests that time should be the radii. I believe the Hubble Constant is a consequence of the geometry and time function suggested.

The shape of space is crucial to understanding our universe. Time runs orthogonally to space and we all agree on this. Astronomers need to explain why they insist on modelling all time as operating in one direction. Clearly, this could not be the case in a closed universe.

I have got ahead of myself here. The next post will show how and why the supposed 4D flatness leads to a conclusion (in error) of acceleration, maybe.

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Jan 2, 2024
Before I take the ideas a step further I thought this conversation I have had would be useful. Please have a read.

Me: If dilation occurs over a large distance then light would become redder and also from the curvature of space in a closed universe

Other: That's what's known as redshift. As light travels through the expanding universe, it stretches out, which makes it redder. This happens because the wavelengths of light get longer as space itself expands. It's like pulling on a rubber band—the more you stretch it, the longer it gets. This redshift is one of the key pieces of evidence for the universe's expansion, and it's important for understanding cosmic distances and the history of the universe.

Me: You miss the point. In addition to redshift from expansion, there is a redshift from curvature and therefore dilation

Other: Ah, You're talking about gravitational redshift, right? When light passes through a strong gravitational field, like near a massive object, it loses energy and its wavelength gets longer, making it redder. This is a result of time dilation caused by gravity, as predicted by Einstein's general relativity. So, in addition to the redshift from the universe's expansion, light can also get redshifted by the curvature of spacetime itself.

Me: Gravity causes curvature. It is the curvature that causes dilation. A closed universe has curvature. At a distance then there is dilation from curvature.

Other: You're spot on. Gravity and curvature are like best buddies in general relativity. Massive objects cause spacetime to curve, and that curvature affects how time flows, leading to time dilation. In a closed universe, which has a positive curvature, this can lead to additional redshift effects over large distances. So, even without massive objects directly in the way, the overall curvature of the universe can contribute to the redshift we observe.

Me: Excellent we got there, thanks for bearing with me. However, they say that the redshift is more than expected due to expansion and therefore the expansion is accelerating. This is wrong.

I get where you're coming from The idea that the universe's expansion is accelerating comes from observing distant galaxies and noticing that their light is redshifted more than we'd expect if the universe's expansion was constant or slowing down. This led to the whole dark energy thing—a mysterious force driving the acceleration. But yeah, some argue that maybe we're misinterpreting the data, and factors like curvature could play a big role.

Me: So, Dark Energy may not exist or cause acceleration
Jan 2, 2024
Again, before proceeding to the last significant point - i.e. Why the Flatness problem isn't a problem
I want to make a bold statement that I feel is pretty obvious but not generally accepted. And, I don't know why!

The speed of light cannot be anything other than what it is. It cannot change unless the shape of the universe were to change. The ratio of length to time (distance to time) is 1:1. The universe must be an n-sphere. Time and distance expand equally in all directions. I should post separately on this so a good debate might develop :)
Jan 2, 2024

The diagram tells the tale. Recap: Time runs orthogonally (90 degrees) to Space.
Astronomers assume time runs parallel (Flatland), it doesn't it runs radially (Sphereland).
Re Diagram - The little person at the top (A) looks out over to the furthest distance toward E but assumes Flatland because they are flatlanders :triumph:
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Nov 20, 2024
It is difficult to imagine infinite matter, but it is even more difficult to imagine closed matter. Our universe is a part of infinite matter and therefore it cannot be closed.
Jan 2, 2024
It is difficult to imagine infinite matter, but it is even more difficult to imagine closed matter. Our universe is a part of infinite matter and therefore it cannot be closed.
What? Closed Matter? What is that? What is 'infinite matter'? What is the evidence for your assertion?
Nov 20, 2024
In my post, I gave a definition of matter from the point of view of materialism. I agree with this definition, therefore I consider matter eternal and infinite. The Matter is not only a substance, but also a field. So far, the whole cosmology is based only on assumptions, so it is quite difficult or impossible to prove something. Therefore, I am not asserting, but assuming. In other words, I propose a hypothesis. Whether it corresponds to reality or not will show the future.
A closed system is a system that does not exchange substance, energy, information with the external environment. According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy increases in a closed system, i.e. everything turns into chaos.
Jan 2, 2024
In my post, I gave a definition of matter from the point of view of materialism. I agree with this definition, therefore I consider matter eternal and infinite.
Ah, you said infinite matter and I wrongly took that to be infinite meaning ' loads of and loads of ....... You meant in the never-destroyed sense (my bad). Silly me!

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