There are some ~58 known transiting planets (some of these may be false positives, but the majority are probably real planets). For these planets we can measure both the mass and the radius. All but two of them have periods less than 10 days (and would be considered "Hot Planets"). All but four of these planets appear to be gas giants (based on their mean densities). The four that might not be gas giants are the four least massive planets known to transit their stars. This includes: Corot-Exo-7b which (if it's a real planet and not a blend of some sort) is a super-Earth, and could either be a terrestrial planet or an ocean planet. Then there are GJ436b and HAT-P-11b which are Super-Neptunes, the models that best-fit these planets have very large cores taking up ~90% of the mass of the planets with a thick gas envelope on top. Finally there is HD149026b which is somewhat more massive than Saturn, but has a radius that is only ~80% that of Saturn. The high density for this planet suggests that it has a huge core with something like 70 Earth masses of material. Above this there are a few other fairly dense planets (like HAT-P-3b), but most of them have radii similar to Jupiter, or slightly larger than Jupiter. One fun fact to note is that models for planet/brown dwarf/stellar structure predict that objects ranging from 1 jupiter mass up to ~100 jupiter masses (the smallest stars, which are roughly 10% the mass of the Sun) all have roughly the same radii (1 R_J). This is observationally confirmed for planets and for the smallest stars, and for a few "brown dwarfs" with masses of 10-20 jupiter masses. Anyway, so you might wonder if there is an observational bias that prevents us from finding jupiter mass solid cores orbiting very close to stars. Well, it's true that they would be quite a bit tougher to detect in transit than the gas giants (though Corot would have found them fairly easily). However, people have done careful statistics on the results of a few of the transit surveys to determine the fraction of stars like the Sun that have Jupiter-size planets with periods less than ~5 days. It's roughly ~0.5%. The radial velocity surveys (which would not be biased against finding terrestrial Jupiter-mass planets since they are not sensitive to the radius) find a comparable Hot Jupiter frequency. So I think this shows that if there are terrestrial Hot-Jupiters, they are not the norm, most Hot Jupiters are in fact gas giants.