If they're properly maintained - I've never had one die. My N5 is 10+ years old now, and still tracks like it did the day it was new (actually - better than new. I tune it up regularly with better quality grease, every couple years...) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>.</p><p><font size="3">bipartisan</font> (<span style="color:blue" class="pointer"><span class="pron"><font face="Lucida Sans Unicode" size="2">bī-pär'tĭ-zən, -sən</font></span></span>) [Adj.] Maintaining the ability to blame republications when your stimulus plan proves to be a devastating failure.</p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#ff0000">IMPE</font><font color="#c0c0c0">ACH</font> <font color="#0000ff"><font color="#c0c0c0">O</font>BAMA</font>!</font></strong></p> </div>