OK, so i've got a long road ahead of me, but I can't see myself being interested or able to do much else. Of course I said the same thing of computer science and haven't gone as far as i'd have liked (of course I was taking courses on windows adminning so that could be why).<br /> I've come here because I barely know where to begin. I've been told i'll need a docterate in physics before I go into astrophysics, which is sort of a dissappointment because I was hoping to go right out, but I understand anyway (gotta walk before ya run). I also realize that chemistry is going to play an important part, which i'm fine with because i'd love to get into chemistry as well. The only things I am concerned about are particle physics and geology, both of which i'm not (as of yet anyway) too interested in. Regardless, I know its going to be exciting.<br /> I've not always been a top notch student though, hell public school wasn't kind to me. I also figured that I need some sort of school style schedule too, I am unable to effectively self-study or self-train. I'd hate, however, to get stuck with a teacher whose in it for just the paycheck. I'm getting away from the point though, plus I figure NMU will be a good enough school for anything astronomy related.<br /> I'm also worried about were i'll end up afterwards (I'm not the teacher type at all so professor is out). I was planning on minoring (or hell even doublemajoring) in computer science so I could get into some research or even implementation of special astro-related hardware (solar panels, telescopic hardware systems, maybe help program custom stuff or something). I'm not worried much over salary, long as its at LEAST 45k-50k a year. I'm primarily worried about doing something i'd enjoy.<br /> With that out, I'd also like to inquire as to any sort of groups or places online that could be of some sort of help to me in achieving these goals. Maybe something like yahoo groups save for more official and more active and helpful. T