Gravitational waves could help us find out how fast the universe's expansion is accelerating


Aug 14, 2020
Rod, this is mostly meant for you as I've read you:
You've been saying for some time that the actual horizon, that I call the real-time horizon, is much farther out than 14-billion light years, the distance of the relative horizon. All the articles proliferating over the "time dilation" physicists think is a reality at that distance in light years, to me, proves you couldn't be more right in your realization!

What is slowing down in going backward away in the observation is not the real territory of the universe but the universe in the light map of the universe! Professional physicists and astronomers, the vast majority of them apparently, obviously can't tell the difference between relativity and reality (observed -- observable -- relative time and unobserved -- unobservable -- real time)! They believe, obviously, that the two are one and the same thing and never to be divided into observable relativity and unobservable, but possibly calculable, reality!

What I'm trying to say, Rod, and to anyone else, is that there is a vastly greater picture of distance beyond that "time dilation" one that that "time dilation" picture itself is pointing out and telling us exists even to the collapsed event Horizon. The whole "time dilation" picture, its whole way from there to here and back, means that the universe, our own universe, is vastly larger in its distances, and entities that occupy it, than light, at the dead slow constant of the speed of light, can ever show us.

Without going back and looking up your recitation of calculations, I keep wanting to put the actual Horizon at the equivalent to 40-billion light years now that I know for sure (I am sure of it!) that the 14-billion light year Horizon is a false horizon.

The map is not the territory (the [Relativity to] is not the [Reality of])!
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Rod, this is mostly meant for you as I've read you:
You've been saying for some time that the actual horizon, that I call the real-time horizon, is much farther out than 14-billion light years, the distance of the relative horizon. All the articles proliferating over the "time dilation" physicists think is a reality at that distance in light years, to me, proves you couldn't be more right in your realization!

What is slowing down in going backward away in the observation is not the real territory of the universe but the universe in the light map of the universe! Professional physicists and astronomers, the vast majority of them apparently, obviously can't tell the difference between relativity and reality (observed -- observable -- relative time and unobserved -- unobservable -- real time)! They believe, obviously, that the two are one and the same thing and never to be divided into observable relativity and unobservable, but possibly calculable, reality!

What I'm trying to say, Rod, and to anyone else, is that there is a vastly greater picture of distance beyond that "time dilation" one that that "time dilation" picture itself is pointing out and telling us exists even to the collapsed event Horizon. The whole "time dilation" picture, its whole way from there to here and back, means that the universe, our own universe, is vastly larger in its distances, and entities that occupy it, than light, at the dead slow constant of the speed of light, can ever show us.

Without going back and looking up your recitation of calculations, I keep wanting to put the actual Horizon at the equivalent to 40-billion light years now that I know for sure (I am sure of it!) that the 14-billion light year Horizon is a false horizon.

The map is not the territory (the [Relativity to] is not the [Reality of])!
Atlan0001, the 40-billion light years distance is close to what you will get using cosmology calculators for the comoving radial distance when the CMBR redshift about 1100. The GR metric for expanding space used in the calculators' converting redshifts to distances, puts space way out there from Earth near 46 billion light years away (comoving radial distance for redshift near 1100). According to Special Relativity, telescopes on Earth because of light-time are limited to seeing objects about 13-13.8 billion light years away while their actual distances can be immensely farther away and not observable. However, I can see the Galilean moons moving around Jupiter :)
I note the article reported, "Late-time measurements currently give an expansion rate of roughly 73 ± 1 kilometers per second per megaparsec, while early-time measurements give a value of 67.5 ± 0.5 km/s per megaparsec. This has led scientists to search for a corroborating method for measuring the Hubble constant. And that's where the new study comes in."

I read this report at on this. Astrophysicists propose a new way of measuring cosmic expansion: lensed gravitational waves,

My note. This report shows Hubble tension 67.4 km/s/Mpc to 76.5 km/s/Mpc for the range H0. The proposed lensed gravity waves solution is not yet determined and measured today. "We expect the first observation of lensed gravitational waves in the next few years," said study co-author Parameswaran Ajith. Additionally, these future detectors should be able to see farther into space and detect weaker signals."

ref - Cosmography Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Holes,, 30-June-2023.

My note, this proposed method could see out to z ~ 10 for measuring the value of H0. I used Ned Wright cosmology calculator,; the age of the Universe using H0 = 76.5 km/s/Mpc = 12.485 Gyr. Comoving radial distance = 28.653 Gly for z=10. H0 = 76.5 km/s/Mpc, space expands at 2.2417222E+00 c velocity or 2.24 x c velocity for z=10.0. Using H0 = 76.5 km/s/Mpc, space expands 2.479 x 10^-18 cm/s/cm. Consider how many cm/s space expands at 2.24 x c velocity :)
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Jul 5, 2023
What is the benefit of all this research, have to deal with the improvement of life on this planet?

"Research" has taken on a life of it's own!

So much money is being spent on research, but I question the value received.

How does all of this research help the homeless, the average underpaid worker, governments that aren't able to perform their appointed functions?

Maybe it would be better to take care of business here on EARTH !!!

Quit sending Star-link satellites into near orbit, so they don't interfere with with reasonable astronomy, weather recording links, and eventually become "space junk" that will burn up in our delicate atmosphere.

Oh, and by the way, we're looking to ensure human "civilization" by colonizing the moon or Mars. It serves no useful purpose for those who will be left behind on an uninhabitable Earth.
How can billions of people buy a ticket, and when does the next ship leave?
A very few humans go, and the rest are LEFT TO DIE !!!

To me, this process doesn't make any sense, but maybe I just don't understand why gravitational lenses , or why we need to know about the "expansion" of the "universe", and why those things are so important . I don't perceive that pursuing that kind of knowledge beneficial, other than to be published in scientific journals.

I think that we are pointing much of efforts, and resources in the wrong direction!
Inquirer, to answer your question, think about how the present human population of Earth is so very dependent on the technologies that humans have developed in the past. For instance, stone tools, metal tools, animal herding, agriculture and the discoveries of disease causes and medicines, etc. etc. etc. all came from people observing things, figuring out how they work and putting them to good use. That is why humans have reached 9 billion population. Hunter-gatherers could not exist in such large numbers. We depend on technology that comes from observations, experiments and development activities.

But, humans have increased population as much or more than quality of life - overpopulation in many areas is the main cause of poor quality of life.

We aren't going to solve the problems of poor quality of life for some of the population until we learn to stabilize our population at a comfortable level for everyone. Until then, we will simply keep increasing until wars, famines and plagues stop or reverse population increases.


Aug 14, 2020
I note the article reported, "Late-time measurements currently give an expansion rate of roughly 73 ± 1 kilometers per second per megaparsec, while early-time measurements give a value of 67.5 ± 0.5 km/s per megaparsec. This has led scientists to search for a corroborating method for measuring the Hubble constant. And that's where the new study comes in."

I read this report at on this. Astrophysicists propose a new way of measuring cosmic expansion: lensed gravitational waves,

My note. This report shows Hubble tension 67.4 km/s/Mpc to 76.5 km/s/Mpc for the range H0. The proposed lensed gravity waves solution is not yet determined and measured today. "We expect the first observation of lensed gravitational waves in the next few years," said study co-author Parameswaran Ajith. Additionally, these future detectors should be able to see farther into space and detect weaker signals."

ref - Cosmography Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Holes,, 30-June-2023.

My note, this proposed method could see out to z ~ 10 for measuring the value of H0. I used Ned Wright cosmology calculator,; the age of the Universe using H0 = 76.5 km/s/Mpc = 12.485 Gyr. Comoving radial distance = 28.653 Gly for z=10. H0 = 76.5 km/s/Mpc, space expands at 2.2417222E+00 c velocity or 2.24 x c velocity for z=10.0. Using H0 = 76.5 km/s/Mpc, space expands 2.479 x 10^-18 cm/s/cm. Consider how many cm/s space expands at 2.24 x c velocity :)
Thanks. Rod, for your map detail. I read it, Rod, and I absorb the 46-billion light year equivalence you project which I will use for the actual boundary Horizon beyond light's false 14-billion light year boundary. The rest seems to me to home into the "time dilation" map, the map which I do NOT merge with the territory into one and the same entity. To me you explain the map, not the territory, and you have reason to have all of your working interest -- well almost all -- tied up in the mapping of the "observed universe." Me, only a very small part of my interest is there. Still, thanks very much for taking the time and effort once more to go into the map of the universe.

Expanding out:

Two ways to look at it, gravitational "accelerative / decelerative universe" . . . and anti-gravitational "fractal zoom universe," essentially vertical multi-plane quantum entangled micro- and macro-cosmic hyper-surfaces (hyper-spaces). I don't think your thoughtful quantum theorists have a single problem with this potential possible Reality, but the "rigid" Relativist, absolutely. Having gone over to an infinity backed outside in force of gravity (no gravitational singularities), I now have not a single problem with anti-gravity and what it will refer to.

So, as I see it and have said before, the only gravitational entity having anything to do with a black hole is its horizon. Inside of the gravitational strong binding force string-ring-horizon is the 0-point (portal) electroweak magnetic monopole (moment) singularity. The people who say the quantum gets torn to nothingness inside a black hole haven't a clue that it owns the black hole close in with spacetime wound around its point-singularity (which has one and only one Big Problem DEEP within, the Planck's Big Bang Horizon of infinity (the Big Bang's Planck Horizon of infinity)).

Sort of reminds me a little bit of the far-out dreamer and the more down to Earth keeper of the books.


Aug 14, 2020
Inquirer, to answer your question, think about how the present human population of Earth is so very dependent on the technologies that humans have developed in the past. For instance, stone tools, metal tools, animal herding, agriculture and the discoveries of disease causes and medicines, etc. etc. etc. all came from people observing things, figuring out how they work and putting them to good use. That is why humans have reached 9 billion population. Hunter-gatherers could not exist in such large numbers. We depend on technology that comes from observations, experiments and development activities.

But, humans have increased population as much or more than quality of life - overpopulation in many areas is the main cause of poor quality of life.

We aren't going to solve the problems of poor quality of life for some of the population until we learn to stabilize our population at a comfortable level for everyone. Until then, we will simply keep increasing until wars, famines and plagues stop or reverse population increases.
There is no such thing as stabilizing the population, as China and Japan, among others have already discovered. Trying it, going for it, is a disaster in the making. There are only two ways to go, grow out into that frontier out there or die enclosure. Mind-expanding Space-Age Frontier and nova or mind contracting Dark Age Utopia and mass extinction. There is no third way. And by "nova," I mean Space Colonization (Personal Colonization (PCs) in local and wide area networks of manmade colony Arks), not Mars, not the Moon, not any ultra-limiting rock cave of the Solar System.

Again, to paraphrase C. S. Lewis and follow Stephen Hawking's prophesy as well, "Aim for the heavens and get Earth thrown in. Aim for the Earth and get neither." Stephen Hawking very optimistically gives us 1,000 more years as a species if we do not go for the frontier immediately if not sooner. Inquirer needs to learn and think hard . . . is simply too ignorant of history and natural laws.
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ref - Cosmography Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Holes,, 30-June-2023.

The redshift in this report could be about 10. What happens to the angular size distance in BB expanding universe metric? 1 arcsecond maps to about 4.25 kpc diameter. Do we see objects that fit this angular size in BB cosmology for those redshifts about 10? It seems little or no reporting here on this distance (angular size) and scale used in GR metric to convert redshifts into distances from Earth.

My point, IMO the comoving radial distances are not commonly reported to the public concerning BB cosmology distances used based upon redshifts (cosmological redshift answer), and the angular size scale is not commonly reported. The evolving universe looks good (e.g., tiny objects in the early universe slowly grow into big objects (spiral galaxies for example), add some more features not commonly reported, things may get interesting.
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If you read history, you will find a significant number of civilizations that crashed without any clear reason. The Mayans in Central America, and Great Zimbabwe in Africa are a couple of examples. Others clearly crashed because of conflicts with other competing civilizations.

One theory about why civilizations crash has to do with overgrown complexity of the supporting processes and a lack of ability to sustain them by the population involved. Which is a scary concept for our current highly-connected world population. If we crash the systems that are sustaining us now, it won't matter that almost none of us still know how to chip arrowheads, because there will not be enough game to sustain the current population - most would die from lack of food and/or the conflicts to gain control of the remaining food supplies. Not a pretty picture at all.

But, unfortunately, history and population dynamics studies seem to indicate that it is not an unlikely scenario. Human population can crash, as evidenced by past famines, and could do so on a global scale now that we are all so interdependent.

Expanding into space with our current level of technology is not possible without support from a technologically proficient and functioning society on Earth. And even achieving light speed is not going to help move enough people off Earth fast enough to alleviate the overcrowding that is leading to conflicts and miseries. So, we really do need to learn to control our own reproduction rate, and we need to do it on a voluntary basis, not one forced by a totalitarian government.

We, as a species, are smart enough to have learned how the ecosystems work and, to some degree, how climate works. But, a lot of that knowledge is rejected by the people who would need to change their behaviors in order to maintain those natural systems. We as a diverse population are used to being lied to by those of us who seek powers over us, and are skeptical of things we don't want to here. So, the real problem is how to get practically everybody to believe what we have learned and act appropriately to deal with it realistically in a coordinated manner to benefit all.

Betting on light speed travel, or fusion power, to enable us to keep doing what we have always been doing is not a good bet, because those new abilities would still be insufficient to support an always expanding human population. There are limits to how much human population can be supported indefinitely on Earth, and we need to learn as a species to understand those limits and behave appropriately to stay within them. So far, humans have failed to do that globally at any level of technological achievement.


Aug 14, 2020
According to Michelle de Crèvecoeur nee: Hector St; John circa 1772CE, among so many others such as Stephen Hawking, you have it precisely backwards, Unclear Engineer. It is the Frontier that expands the mass mind, the mass genius, not this earth (e), not this day. Going for it develops the means to go for it, not the other way around! And always has throughout history, proven by history. You go for it first (never mind the torpedoes!) -- you reach for it first ("damn the torpedoes!" -- David Farragut) -- and the means follow (The Portuguese (East, the 1400s) / Columbus (West, 1490s)) -- the grasp follows (the century and centuries of frontier development following the reach)! that is the natural law! You do not put the cart before the horse, but you do up the cart, go for the cart, and the horse comes!
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Aug 14, 2020
ref - Cosmography Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Holes,, 30-June-2023.

The redshift in this report could be about 10. What happens to the angular size distance in BB expanding universe metric? 1 arcsecond maps to about 4.25 kpc diameter. Do we see objects that fit this angular size in BB cosmology for those redshifts about 10? It seems little or no reporting here on this distance (angular size) and scale used in GR metric to convert redshifts into distances from Earth.

My point, IMO the comoving radial distances are not commonly reported to the public concerning BB cosmology distances used based upon redshifts (cosmological redshift answer), and the angular size scale is not commonly reported. The evolving universe looks good (e.g., tiny objects in the early universe slowly grow into big objects (spiral galaxies for example), add some more features not commonly reported, things may get interesting.
Rod, you've had the picture going away all along. Essentially the picture of the traveler going away from the observer!

Now do the harder part, Rod! Turn the picture around, Rod! The traveler, the universe, oncoming from afar, closing upon here, now! The triangle not expanding distance, non-locality, but contracting distances, bringing non-locality nearer than it appears in the dead slow constant of the speed of light (as mirrors on vehicles on the road put it, the vehicle following in the mirror is actually closer than it looks, than light makes it appear to be)! The Traveler, the universe, going away is ahead of the game by the distance you give it over the false horizon. The traveler, the universe, oncoming is ahead of the game observed as well by a distance unobserved! Think about it, Rod, and you, and anyone else that can think, beat Einstein in dividing the traveler, and the universe as a traveler, into relative time and real time! Hyper-surfaces (hyper-spaces) exist, and all the distances of the universe oncoming, are actually closer in distances than the speed of light makes them out to be. That is the way you have it going away, Rod (farther away than it appears)! That is exactly the way it works oncoming as well, Rod (closer in than it appears)! Wormholes galore regarding the quantum weirdness! Warp speeds possible as NASA has figured them to be possible, not just due to possible technologies but a hyper-space universe that makes it possible to get "out front and ahead of the (light / time / history) game!"
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I am not saying that scientific efforts are not worth the expense - I posted the opposite in response to Inquirers post.

But, I am saying that we will not survive as a technological species if we don't use what we have learned about our environment and other areas of science in a realistic manner to control ourselves better than we have been doing for all of recorded history and apparently for much longer than that.

You seem to be cheerleading that "Failure is not an option," but rational people do understand that failure is definitely a scientific possibility.


Aug 14, 2020

I am not saying that scientific efforts are not worth the expense - I posted the opposite in response to Inquirers post.

But, I am saying that we will not survive as a technological species if we don't use what we have learned about our environment and other areas of science in a realistic manner to control ourselves better than we have been doing for all of recorded history and apparently for much longer than that.

You seem to be cheerleading that "Failure is not an option," but rational people do understand that failure is definitely a scientific possibility.
You still don't understand how it works UE! History is loaded down with the failure of frontier all the way. Overcoming the failure, failure after failure, after failure, is the only success. The last thing in history the successfully advancing frontiersmen and women learned was to "control ourselves" in any "realistic manner"! They threw the dice and shot the works! They damned the torpedoes, full speed ahead! Ship after ship went down, venture after venture went down, but that never stopped "ship after ship", "venture after venture", unrealistically out of control! That is what life itself is -- and history has been, always is and always has been, unrealistically out of control!

Aim for the heavens and get Earth thrown in! Aim for the Earth and get neither! (C. S. Lewis, Stephen Hawking... et all!)
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This is getting too far off-base to continue here. I will just say that I do understand how frontiers work. They are the places where people go when they have found their current location intolerable. And, for all of recorded history, they have found and fought with other people who were already there. Typically, the ones with the best technology prevailed and took the locations and or resources for themselves, to the detriment of the losing (usually "indigenous") civilization.

All of that occurred on the Earth's surface. Extrapolating that into space is an emotional, not a scientific concept. Thinking clearly about the science involved, it should be obvious that the people left on Earth will not benefit from the slight reduction in population that might occur with people leaving Earth for the off-Earth habitats that you envision. Inquirer does have a point, and so does Atlan0001. But, they are just talking past each other.

To realistically "prepare to not fail", humans need to both keep advancing scientific learning as well as learn how to better control ourselves.
We aren't going to succeed by focusing on just one of the issues while neglecting the other.


Aug 14, 2020
This is getting too far off-base to continue here. I will just say that I do understand how frontiers work. They are the places where people go when they have found their current location intolerable. And, for all of recorded history, they have found and fought with other people who were already there. Typically, the ones with the best technology prevailed and took the locations and or resources for themselves, to the detriment of the losing (usually "indigenous") civilization.

All of that occurred on the Earth's surface. Extrapolating that into space is an emotional, not a scientific concept. Thinking clearly about the science involved, it should be obvious that the people left on Earth will not benefit from the slight reduction in population that might occur with people leaving Earth for the off-Earth habitats that you envision. Inquirer does have a point, and so does Atlan0001. But, they are just talking past each other.

To realistically "prepare to not fail", humans need to both keep advancing scientific learning as well as learn how to better control ourselves.
We aren't going to succeed by focusing on just one of the issues while neglecting the other.
"Learn how to better control ourselves." En-masse?! It's called Utopian (Dystopian) monolithic. It's called tyranny. Simple as simple can get! My way! or your death!
"Learn how to better control ourselves." En-masse?! It's called Utopian (Dystopian) monolithic. It's called tyranny. Simple as simple can get! My way! or your death!
That is not what I posted - I posted that we need to learn to voluntarily control ourselves. If we can't do that - evolve from a species that solves its overcrowding problems by going somewhere else, (as most species are biologically programmed to do) to one that is smart enough to not need to go somewhere else, then we are probably doomed to a drastic population crash and doom our hopes for space travel. We can't move people off the planet faster than people can reproduce. And, even if we could, people will also reproduce in whatever locations they move to, and overpopulate those locations too - unless people learn to stay within the "carrying capacity" of their locations, on Earth and elsewhere, too.

Yes, overcrowding has driven scientific advances, many in destructive device capabilities that then get turned to some constructive purposes, too. And, if everybody lived a happy life with no conflicts, that might slow technological advancement, too. It is not a one-issue situation - it is a balancing act.
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Rod, you've had the picture going away all along. Essentially the picture of the traveler going away from the observer!

Now do the harder part, Rod! Turn the picture around, Rod! The traveler, the universe, oncoming from afar, closing upon here, now! The triangle not expanding distance, non-locality, but contracting distances, bringing non-locality nearer than it appears in the dead slow constant of the speed of light (as mirrors on vehicles on the road put it, the vehicle following in the mirror is actually closer than it looks, than light makes it appear to be)! The Traveler, the universe, going away is ahead of the game by the distance you give it over the false horizon. The traveler, the universe, oncoming is ahead of the game observed as well by a distance unobserved! Think about it, Rod, and you, and anyone else that can think, beat Einstein in dividing the traveler, and the universe as a traveler, into relative time and real time! Hyper-surfaces (hyper-spaces) exist, and all the distances of the universe oncoming, are actually closer in distances than the speed of light makes them out to be. That is the way you have it going away, Rod (farther away than it appears)! That is exactly the way it works oncoming as well, Rod (closer in than it appears)! Wormholes galore regarding the quantum weirdness! Warp speeds possible as NASA has figured them to be possible, not just due to possible technologies but a hyper-space universe that makes it possible to get "out front and ahead of the (light / time / history) game!"
Atlan0001, interesting doing the harder part, apparently showing 4D space (hyper-space coordinate, not just 3D space) closing in on our frame of reference here on Earth :) I use cosmology calculators like, or

Perhaps someday there will be a calculator showing what you describe but that would need to convert redshifts into such distance changes - showing 4D space moving towards Earth I suspect :). For the time being, I will stay the course with the GR cosmology calculators. As far as I understand, the cosmology calculators used today use 4D space for expanding space, the hyper-space coordinate is included in them. If remote objects in astronomy and cosmology are much closer than presently understood (something that needs to be validated), plenty of energy and mass changes required now. Example, the recent report on the gamma ray burst (GRB) with 10^55 erg.
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Aug 14, 2020
Atlan0001, interesting doing the harder part, apparently showing 4D space (hyper-space coordinate, not just 3D space) closing in on our frame of reference here on Earth :) I use cosmology calculators like, or

Perhaps someday there will be a calculator showing what you describe but that would need to convert redshifts into such distance changes - showing 4D space moving towards Earth I suspect :). For the time being, I will stay the course with the GR cosmology calculators. As far as I understand, the cosmology calculators used today use 4D space for expanding space, the hyper-space coordinate is included in them. If remote objects in astronomy and cosmology are much closer than presently understood (something that needs to be validated), plenty of energy and mass changes required now. Example, the recent report on the gamma ray burst (GRB) with 10^55 erg.:)
:) Yes, I have to smile, Since, as I've indicated so many times before, it's not any rigid body-like distance you can "observe" from any distance and/or use a "measuring rod" on, just as you can't do it with quantum mechanics. Or you take the globe of the Earth with its latitudes and longitudes and travel by one of two routes from Seattle to Tokyo. One almost purely latitudinal and wide in longitude and the other arcing more north and west longitudinally than west latitudinally so as to narrow your distance considerably between exactly the same two points, the arc being the straighter line between. There will always be hyper-straighter, and ever straighter, lines (lanes) arcing in the far more dimensional universe than the observed, Rod. :)


Aug 14, 2020
That is not what I posted - I posted that we need to learn to voluntarily control ourselves. If we can't do that - evolve from a species that solves its overcrowding problems by going somewhere else, (as most species are biologically programmed to do) to one that is smart enough to not need to go somewhere else, then we are probably doomed to a drastic population crash and doom our hopes for space travel. We can't move people off the planet faster than people can reproduce. And, even if we could, people will also reproduce in whatever locations they move to, and overpopulate those locations too - unless people learn to stay within the "carrying capacity" of their locations, on Earth and elsewhere, too.

Yes, overcrowding has driven scientific advances, many in destructive device capabilities that then get turned to some constructive purposes, too. And, if everybody lived a happy life with no conflicts, that might slow technological advancement, too. It is not a one-issue situation - it is a balancing act.
I like your thought UE, but it narrows down finally to one, single, issue. As Hawking foresaw, and many of us have foreseen, birth out of Earth or die. You don't talk any individual, UE, talk the cellular lot of Mankind! As Michio Kaku pointed out, though the numbers of mankind have multiplied more than a million-fold in two-million years, that does not even begin to describe the situation. Mankind has increased its energies, its structure, its infrastructure, its reaches, complexity, needs and wants, two-million-fold, average per every man, woman and child living, over the same period of time. To even begin to get an idea of what that means, multiply the one-million-fold increase by the two-million-fold increase and arrive at where life, the body of life, is in the womb of Earth today. Your balancing, stabilizing, life, even the individual, into perpetuity in the womb of Earth is an impossibility. And with Space Colonization, we can begin to move people off-planet quickly, ever more quicky, and in growing masses because they will begin to need and want the migration from Earth to the manmade model galactic frontier (the growing nova of Alice in Wonderland / Through the Looking Glass rabbit holes into a supernova) in the Solar System far more than sitting still or spinning their wheels on planet Earth.

Don't forget UE, I've mentioned a few times before that I spent the majority of my life engaged directly in a cyber-space-analogue career field to the revolution and evolution I picture. I worked in the early and mid-to-later period universe of that cyber modeling of Solar Systemic networks possible from this mainframe (PLANET Earth) system John von Neumann neverpictured, never predicted, what we have now when he prophesied Utopia-like monolithic systems that would occupy entire city blocks and be so fantastically, infinitely, expensive, though still so closed and limited within themselves, that only the largest, richest, governments and corporations could afford such systems.

Talk about an evolutionary and revolutionary accelerating universe expansion, with a concurrent, coinciding, built-in universe of contraction, we've purposely modeled one with few second thoughts of what we are modeling. And I spent most of my life, career-wise, heavily engaged in the revolutions and evolutions of that modeling (that working model). It was just lucky that I could sit for briefings from Admiral Grace Hopper and others, and that I had a natural affinity for what I was engaged in, and broad and deep secondary interests and studies that matched so well with my careers. Luckier still having a wife and family that not only permitted me it all but gave me space to grow and return much of it to them (though only one really took to it). Enough! for now!

"If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I'd spend seven sharpening my ax." -- Abraham Lincoln.
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Nov 20, 2022
I know where you are coming from but you are communicating with the wrong people. Redirect your questions to the people who fund is the benefit of all this research, have to deal with the improvement of life on this planet?


Aug 14, 2020
"Deal with improvement of life on this planet?" Per history and natural laws, not going to happen! without the outland space frontier. Without birth into -- without breakout and expansion to -- that outland space frontier "hell's a'comin" (in this womb world: in this closed shrunken world system), as the saying goes. Breakout will relieve overall growing worldclass pressures. Nothing else will except explosive implosion . . . a hot world war and extinctions.
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Aug 14, 2020
"Gravitational waves could help us find out how fast the universe's expansion is accelerating."

Sometimes I wonder about the whole thing they are observing?! Eleven dimensions to gravity also means overlapping and overlaying hyper-dimensionality regarding gravity / anti-gravity, and none of that is what being observed (detected)! It may be resulting lesser dimensional vibration special effects in the "fabric" produced by the higher more qualitative and quantitative dimensions of gravity, but I'm increasingly thinking what they are detecting is probably [in-no-way] gravity itself.


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