"...CLV and the HLV to a highway..."<br /><br /><br />a VERY BAD (high)WAY to start any international cooperation... the rest of the world (including big and ambitious future worlds' powers like China...) CAN'T DEPEND or base their future plans on NASA/USA/Congress/Presidents decisions (and changes) about vehicle "X", "Y", "CEV", "capsule", "shuttle", launcher "H", "M", "L", plan "A", "B", "C", timeline "2005-2012", "2016", "2022" (that change every day...), etc.<br /><br />the rest of the world CAN'T WAIT that USA/NASA will build "their" space "highways"... then hope that NASA/USA will help international hitchhikers...<br /><br />STS is a good example for the future... it don't work safely, so it will be soon grounded... and the ISS will be abandoned without finish to build it or resupply the international crews...<br /><br />NASA/USA partners can't be abandoned (due to NASA "changed plans") after spending so much time and money, like with ISS!