MeteorWayne - I have seen sun dogs - though never in the shape of a cross as moonshine describes.<br /><br />Your link does show a sun dog in the shape of a cross, though.<br /><br />I assume moon dogs - if that's what they are called? - have the same cause and would be similar in effects.<br /><br />Interestingly, I had never seen a sun dog when I was young - but in the past 2 decades I have seen many of them. Is their frequency increasing for some reason?<br /><br />For example, since ozone depletion is causing reduced radiation absorbtion in the upper atmosphere - have we observed the following effect:?<br /><br />1. An increase in earth surface temperature due to absorbtion of radiation on the surface formerly absorbed in the upper atmosphere - e.g. global warming - an additional man-made cause?<br /><br />2. A decrease in upper atmosphere temperature due to less absorbtion of radiation there. <br /><br />3. Have we observed effects of upper atmosphere cooling, such as condensation of noctilucent or mother of pearl clouds, or increased sun and moon dogs, etc.?