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History of the Space Launch System


The plain fact is that if we want to explore further into the solar system and even send humans out, we need better rockets. We need more capabilities. We need the Space Launch System. But what exactly is the Space Launch System, and why does it make science enthusiasts so excited? Here’s how it all started.


1. NASA retired the Space Shuttle.
The world looked on in sadness in 2011 when the last Space Shuttle mission came and went. Realistically, though, it couldn’t continue. For one thing, the shuttles weren’t meant to keep going as long as they did. The program itself lasted 15 years longer than originally intended. Additionally, the Space Shuttles were only partially reusable, which is an unsustainable design feature when the aim is to make space travel less expensive.

2. A new launch vehicle design was needed, one that could carry both crew and cargo.
After the Space Shuttle was retired, NASA began developing a new idea. They knew that they needed an improved design that could make up for what the shuttles lacked and provided capabilities that would make longer and farther missions possible. Enter the SLS, which is set to have the world’s highest ever total launch thrust.

3. Money, Money, Money
Of course, all that power requires a lot of engineering and thus a lot of money. NASA and other agencies released several updated and revised budget estimates, all way up in the billions. NASA got the money it needed for portions of the project, and SLS was underway.


4. Construction begins.
There are three currently planned versions of the Space Launch System. These are Block 1, Block 1B, and Block 2. Construction began on the first core stage hardware in 2014. Boeing is doing the constructing, while NASA works on the rockets needed for the first couple of missions.


5. The world awaits a launch date.
As with any major undertaking, the launch date for the SLS has been moved back several times. It went from 2019 to 2020, but now there is no official launch date as kinks are worked out and more tests are conducted. For now, an optimistic year for the first flight is 2021.
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NASA is a little behind on the technology. Creating a super heavy lift vehicle that is expendable doesn’t make much sense. SpaceX has proven that the first stage rocket can be safely and accurately returned to a landing site. The technology that is used to do that should be scalable to much larger rockets. Even the boosters can be returned, landed, and reused.
There is no reason to build a spacecraft intended to carry passengers to Mars, that is robust enough to survive launch directly from Earth. Such craft should be partially assembled in orbit. That is especially true if the Mars spacecraft is to provide artificial gravity for the trip.
IMO, technology from SpaceX and others has outstripped NASA’s planned SLS.
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Dec 11, 2019
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It just shows we shouldn't have a government run space program. We all know how all government programs are run. :D Yes Nasa has created a few other things such as GPS but when it comes to getting to other planets they are a failure. I wish I could have my tax dollars!
Jan 22, 2020
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"Additionally, the Space Shuttles were only partially reusable, which is an unsustainable design feature when the aim is to make space travel less expensive. " How is the SLS different in this regard? At least the Shuttle was rebuildable. The SLS is expendable except for maybe the SRB's. Why are we using SRB's and old Shuttle engines? I would really like to know why RS-25's and modified SRB's are the way to go with this rocket? Why not use the F-1B? You could achieve the same total thrust without SRB's You could make the SRB's optional as a super heavy SLS when used in conjunction with F1-B's Did NASA go with the RS-25's simply because they were sitting on the shelf? Just curious.
Jan 10, 2020
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The simple reality is that technology has caught up with the SLS. During Bush admin. we had constellation. Nine billion spent then scraped when Obama admin. came to power. Then we had SLS proposed with Gateway but no plan for lander. Then we had asteroid redirect, since scraped. Then moon by 2028. Salvaged Orion from constellation, shuttle engines and SRB concept. Along comes Trump. Moon landing by 2024, private sector landers and private sector pre-staging stuff using private rockets (actually a good concept). Now we have new bill before congress questioning 2024 date. Cannot see how date is possible anyway, private sector no longer has adequate time to develop lander. Whole lot is an expensive shambles and an insight into party politics.
Jan 10, 2020
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"Additionally, the Space Shuttles were only partially reusable, which is an unsustainable design feature when the aim is to make space travel less expensive. " How is the SLS different in this regard? At least the Shuttle was rebuildable. The SLS is expendable except for maybe the SRB's. Why are we using SRB's and old Shuttle engines? I would really like to know why RS-25's and modified SRB's are the way to go with this rocket? Why not use the F-1B? You could achieve the same total thrust without SRB's You could make the SRB's optional as a super heavy SLS when used in conjunction with F1-B's Did NASA go with the RS-25's simply because they were sitting on the shelf? Just curious.
Jan 10, 2020
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The answer is that certain people believed that using existing stuff was the cheapest option. I understand NASA engineers themselves did not wish to go with solid fuel boosters (SRB's). With private sector reusability technology has caught up with the path NASA is taking.

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