'Hot robots' may be necessary for future nuclear space missions

As of today and most likely into the long term future, the applications and uses of nuclear energy seem to me to be akin to "a little kid playing with dynamite and matches". From our current experience with nuclear energy production, that things can and will at sometimes go terribly wrong is a reality. However, the concept of 'Hot Robots' is clever and intriguing.
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Revealingly the term "Hot Robots" brought to mind those Star Trek images of "Seven of Nine". The article's noted mechanical, nuclear powered, "Tin Man" robots while technologically wonderous, are just not as interesting or stimulating as the afore mentioned Star Trek images. Sorry, I'm human.
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We already have a reason to develop "hot robots" for nuclear activities here on Earth. And, there are a few that I think meet the criteria for that moniker. But, they have been rather crude, and not wholly successful. Part of the problem is that they are trying to deal with the aftermath of things getting badly disrupted, so they are not dealing with the situation in an as-designed configuration. Robots to do routine things usually work out better - until something does not go as designed.
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Just as ‘normal’ robotics purpose built are operating on the moon and Mars, as well as a few that went to Venus, these ‘hot bots’ may be just what we need for future landers on the moons of the large planets operating in the high energy environments of the region about those planets, Europa, for example.