Benoit Mandelbrot's classic layman's description started off with "How long is the coastline of England?" and went on to show that if you look at a map it is x but if you scale the map it is 2x and if you go on the beach and watch the water go around all the little rocks it is longer still. Eventually the discussion turns to finite volumes enclosed by infinite boundaries. I was mostly interested in the computer graphics applications of it. "A tree is not rectangles, a cloud is not triangles..." or something like it opens his discussion of the fractal geometry of nature. Fractals are pretty complicated math and have a lot of applications.<br /><br />Here's part of the second paragraph from "Fractals Everywhere" by Barnsley:<br /><br />Classical geometry provides a first approximation to the structure of physical objects; it is the language we use to communicate the desighs of technological products, and, very approximately, the forms of natural creations. Fractal geometry is an extension of classical geometry. It can be used to make precise models of physical structures from ferns to galaxies. Fractal geometry is a new language. Once you can speak it, you can describe the shape of a cloud as precisely as an architect can describe a house.<br /><br />I have done some ferns but haven't got the hang of clouds yet <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>