"One of Hubble's targets was KELT-20b, a hot Jupiter located about 400 light-years away from Earth that is described in a paper published in Astrophysical Journal Letters in January. Here, Hubble found evidence that the intense ultraviolet radiation from an overbearing sun slams into the planet's upper atmosphere, where metals absorb it."
Here is a bit more on KELT-20b after some digging
My observation. MS BING reports, "KELT-20 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits an A-type star. Its mass is 3.382 Jupiters, it takes 3.5 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0542 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2017."
https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exoplanet-catalog/6066/kelt-20-b/ I calculated P = 3.2564E+00 day using host star with 2 solar mass and e=0, exoplanet mass 3.382 Mjup, and a=0.0542 au. In 1 Gyr, this exoplanet could complete 1.1216E+11 revolutions or some 112 billion revolutions around the host star. The exoplanet.eu site reports too,
http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/mascara-2_b/kelt-20_b/, P=3.4741085 day.
I noted an unobservable concerning this exoplanet. How this ultra-hot jupiter formed so close to the parent star considered A class star about 1.89 solar mass.