While having my morning coffee and browsing through the various pages on SDC I came across some of the articles on Fermi's Paradox. Even though I have heard of and read about it before I started to have a little problem with it. A lot of things we now know to be true about science in general were once considered absurd (the world is round etc.). How can anyone say that something is not possible with very little information or limited observation techniques? Isnt it just a matter of time... (how long is anyones guess)? I found this summary of Fermi's Paradox on Wikipedia.<br /><br /><i>The belief that the universe contains many technologically advanced civilizations, combined with our lack of observational evidence to support that view, is inconsistent. Either this assumption is incorrect (and technologically advanced intelligent life is much rarer than we believe), our current observations are incomplete (and we simply have not detected them yet), or our search methodologies are flawed (we are not searching for the correct indicators).</i><br /> <b>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</b><br />