there would always be the problem about the gravity...
Even if it would be almost the same exact size (highly unlikely anything like it is near us), still I'm not sure there would be the same gravity.
How is the gravity on Mars?
This is just another of the problems about using another earth like planet.. Even if you go thru everything possible (which at some point could be)
there will always be the gravity problem.. We couldn't live normally on a earth like jupiter sized planet, or on a smaller earth like planet like venus in size..
I don't even know how does gravity really work, I tried reading about it, but rly I don't get it much in the practical ways.. I am sure the size of the planet is one of the biggest gravity influences ?
Even if it would be almost the same exact size (highly unlikely anything like it is near us), still I'm not sure there would be the same gravity.
How is the gravity on Mars?
This is just another of the problems about using another earth like planet.. Even if you go thru everything possible (which at some point could be)
there will always be the gravity problem.. We couldn't live normally on a earth like jupiter sized planet, or on a smaller earth like planet like venus in size..
I don't even know how does gravity really work, I tried reading about it, but rly I don't get it much in the practical ways.. I am sure the size of the planet is one of the biggest gravity influences ?