If Nothing Can Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light, Then Everything Travels Faster Than The Speed Of Light

If nothing can travel can travel faster than the speed of light (+300,000kps < @), than everything travels faster than the speed of light (@ < -300,000kps). Whether you can see the geometry or not, dual, or binary, systemic (closed and/or open).


Language is limited enough.... too limited. Orwellianians would close, confine, it altogether. They call it agreeing upon terms and meanings. Confinement to their terms (Orwellian terms). Confinement to their meanings (Orwellian meanings). Moscow humor and opposed usages of exactly the the same words broke the back of Orwellian confinement to Communism's agreed upon terms and meanings. Unintended by the Orwellian linguist, the people learned and used their own versions, their own variations, of double think and double speak. As an aside to that, it was Winston Churchill who said that nothing so divides the English speaking peoples as a common language.
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Our Milky Way is very much a "traveler" through the universe (u) and at the same time very much a "rest frame". Our solar system within it, our Earth, relativity's observer sitting or standing still on Earth at rest in a rest frame, is still very much a traveler in the universe (u), though never located anywhere but dead center point, 0-point stationary, in the overall infinite -- therefore essentially static (the irresistible force of the immovable object) -- Universe (U).

The observer in his rest frame on Earth also being a traveler through the universe, there is negative velocity in the universe to his zero, his rest, of velocity in his rest frame. In other words, while he stands still next to the railroad track on Earth, there is velocity one mile per hour, or one kilometer per hour, slower in the general universe than he is moving. A plane lower than his plane (planes below his plane). Therefore a speed 186,000 miles per second, or 300,000 kilometers per second, slower than that rest frame exists. Meaning, with 'c' '-c' also must exist??? For one thing, what might that mean to e = mc(squared)?

Of course if c-----------0 is the diameter of a circle (**and an elastic circle in a closed system... by the way**), then (+)186,000 miles per second (+c), and (-)186,000 miles per second (-c) are identically the same (c) (then ((+) (-)) = 0) and 'c' is simply unsigned constant, like '0', in reality, neither finite nor infinite.

Red shifts and blue shifts don't care which object is the observer's frame or the traveler's frame. Neither does acceleration or deceleration. Relativity's space-time cares, though. A traveler decelerating relative to the Milky Way's concomitant acceleration, the solar system's concomitant acceleration, the Earth's concomitant acceleration, the observer's concomitant acceleration standing still next to the railroad track on Earth.... the local general universe's concomitant acceleration, is decelerating / accelerating into either a blackhole, or even possibly, a wormhole (in any case, a warp of space-time).
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There are minimum of two universes, aside from quantum mechanics that is. The observable universe, the universe in the light, light always crunching or stretching things on the move: A universe existing nowhere but in light and therefore accelerating in expansion, in stretching, one great distortion actually. And then there is the unobservable universe, the one not in the light, and therefore, not observed and not observable! Therefore probably real, maybe even plural -- broadly and deeply plural, and not a light connected distorted all to hell and back observable universe.

Hmmm! Maybe I should have left in quantum mechanics, the "distorted all to hell and back" crunched and stretched universe of 'Alice In Wonderland' and 'Through The Looking Glass'.

Universe two above, the unobservable universe, stands for a universe, or universes, existing simultaneously in / across space and time. Which means, a universe, or universes, existing faster than the speed of light since it is -- they are -- unobserved and unobservable because they have simultaneous existence in space and have simultaneous ticks of the [[real time universal clock]] in time ('universality': which isn't supposed to be possible, relativity (sic) speaking, that is).

About the closest math for simultaneity involves 1/2. If the sun is eight light minutes (-8 minutes) from Earth, its reality is eight light minutes (-8) plus eight minutes (+8) in time from Earth. Thus 0 = 0 and the sun and Earth exist simultaneously, in space and in time, in the universe. If you include the Moon as simultaneous, then 0 = 0 = 0 regarding simultaneity (said to be impossible to the universe since unobservable.... the unobservable universe, or unobservable universes, or the unobservable parallelism of "0 = 0 = 0", cannot exist since simultaneity is unobservable (again, thus faster than the speed of light)). Relativity would call simultaneous universe, or universes, "future" universe, or universes, until it is / they are in the light and observed, then it / they instantaneously switch from "future" (+) universe(s) to "past" (-) universe(s).
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Rereading my post #3, I realized I shortcut time in paragraph 3 and did not fully define what clock I was referring to. Macro-universe [[relative]] times -- light connected time distortions -- in no way short circuits a certain micro-universe [[universal]] clocking of real time. So post #3, paragraph 3, is edited and corrected.
Jul 1, 2021
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Just a basic laymans question. If the speed of light is the max speed limit, does that take into account the expanding universe ? Do you take light speed and add universe expansion speed. If a beam of light it shot out into space what speed is it actually moving relative to us when taking into account everything is moving away from us, with expansion.? Many thanks in anticipation.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Hi greenrivet, here's something to get you started. Please come back with any questions.

Glad to see you around. I'd have been very sorry to have failed you.

Instead of speeds exceeding 299,792 km/s (the speed of light in a vacuum), these galaxies are only moving through space at ~2% the speed of light or less. ... The rate at which space itself expands — this speed-per-unit-distance — has no physical bounds on its upper limit.12 Jun 2020

Ask Ethan: How Does The Fabric Of Spacetime Expand Faster ...

Cat :)
A galaxy is 10 billion light years from Earth, or negative 10 billion years, according to light physics including the speed of light. Andromeda is 2.2 million light years from Earth, or negative 2.2 million years, according to light physics including the speed of light. If the one galaxy still exists at (-)10 billion years (+)10 billion years, thus simultaneous with Earth in space and time (0 = 0), where is it in space regarding Andromeda (-)2,2 million years, (+)2.2 million years and thus also simultaneous with Earth (0 = 0) (0 = 0 = 0)?

I asked where is it in "space"? It certainly isn't there where we observe it to be in the light, the light-time placement after 10 billion years of the speed of light's slow crawl through space and time across the universe to the Earth. Neither is Andromeda, precisely. It's not in that condition either after 10 billion years' movement in space and time, and after our 10 billion years' movement through space and time. The light has to have stretched with the movement of everything in and through space and time. There is no such thing then as dead certainty regarding position and velocity (momentum), even regarding the vortex of any universe at such a difference in space and distance in time. Universes (u) are changing their conditions at all times, the background far more changed than the foreground (far more unobservably so), and light simply lumps it all as if massive chaotic -- massive varying rates of -- change is all together synchronized into one incredibly neat picture. Ohhh! That is, except for shifts. The slow drag can and probably does smooth out (regarding light and observation) what is occurring in the universe faster than the speed of light (as far as any local observer anywhere is ever concerned) at simultaneity's 0 = 0 = 0. The difference between Earth and Andromeda is bad enough at slight. The difference between Earth and that galaxy at 10 billion times 6 trillion miles from Earth is a difference so great as the two to be split into two vastly separated universes (u). Though it doesn't show it exactly because of light drag and a smoothing out in molding all to one, the shifts point to a version of cell division into many (relativity's breakdown into many universes (u)) being always present.


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