<p>I'd do something like...... </p><p><span class="postbody"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Earth Orbit Space Station</span> <br /> A super space station set up in Earth's orbit, not upon the moon, to be the base for Earth and it's space colonization endeavors, and monitoring of Earth by a scientific colony. Here we grow a hybridized space station to also build space ships, in space, grand since they require no planetary entry and exit launch capability, and can be so, to transit colonial apparatus for future colonies on other orbs. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Earth Moon</span> <br />A secondary space base for Earth, pretty much identical to the Space Station, above. Upon the moon, there will be great amounts of scientific study of space materials, as so much lay upon the surface, there. Plus, much of the surface can be used to gather solar energy. It would be logical to house the manned space station on the border just beyond where light meets dark, on the dark side, to lower radiation. The terrain of the moon actually is believed to provide a great protector against radiation, so it would also be logical to have much of the human colonies be subterranean, and luckily it seems very dusty there, so it would be no great expenditure to dig, and hopefully deep. From here we also further create more space ship building stations, and more places to build pre-emptive colonial segments to assemble upon other orbs, with ease. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Mars</span> <br />Mars does not seem abundant in anything major, but rather be a stepping stone to future colonies that will be more signifigant to mine and live upon. There is a decent amount of ice, but nothing major. There may be oil. Other than that, obvious scientific study would be great, and possible alien world growth of Earthborn life would be good to experiment with. Also some obvious solar energy harvesting, as goes pretty much anywhere. Deimos and Phobos could be used as pre-emptive landing sites for future colonies, and better solar energy gathering locations, although they are small. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Cerus + The Main Asteroid Belt</span> <br />Here should be our capital mining centre for one reason - open planet ore. It is believed that the asteroid belt be formed of a once planetary collision between two worlds. This means it is remnant broken apart planetary ore, deep down metals that should be signifigant. Also there may be gems within this realm, possibly, and may be great metals and gems for scientific furthering. This is a unique area, but the capital would likely be Ceres, a dwarf planet within, as well as other larger asteroids circling the belt. Ever on the search for fuel energy, but this seems not to be the place. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Venus</span> <br />Incredibly hostile environment. Space station colony to the rear of the planet, using the planet itself to shield human colony from the solar radiation, quite much stronger there than in the Earth planetary system. Obvious large solar energy gains to be made on the front side and the exposed sides of the planet, bigtime. If landing can be performed by man or robot-driven apparatus, it could be possible to tap the crazy and violent climate itself for energy, like the mega-lightning, the superstorms, etc.. Here we may find oil, or radioactive or highly reactive soil as well, with the lively habitat. Terraform seems far further down the line. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Mercury</span> <br />Ditto with Mercury as with Venus. Probably no oil, etc, subterranean fuels of liquid form. Possible harvesting of radioactive soil. Human presence here very limited or impossible, robotic solar energy harvesting ships and modules seems ideal. The back side may provide enough cover, though. Here we can definitely land [robotically] solar energy gathering devices on the bright side to gather energy with then retrieve the storage batteries, etc.. Here, also, is the kingpin place to study the sun up close. <br /> <br />Is it possible many dead planets and moons have come close to the sun, drawn in, been scorched to hell, then pushed back out by the radiation of the sun? Just a note... <br /> <br /> This covers the Asteroid belt and inward. Now to the gas giants and outer Sol Arium... <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Jupiter</span> <br />Here we can do it all. Human colonies on icy/watery moons, harvesting of solar energy and oil. Possible life all over the place. Huge planet moons left and right, Europa seems to be the ideal place to start. Is it possible to tap the upper Jupiter atmosphere for energy? Lightning? <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Saturn</span> <br /> Ditto here. Titan is the world of gas and oil, an energy haven. Many ice worlds to study here. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Uranus</span> <br />Ditto here. Titania seems the target orb in this planetary system. Definite human colonies sustainable with all the ice out here, and if not, definite harvesting. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Neptune</span> <br />Ditto here. Another solar system kingpin is found here in Triton, bearing nitrogen lakes and seas, geysers galore, a very active ice world. This nitrogen is rare and key for harvesting, possibly as fuel, but as it stands now, more crucial for synthesizing environments for biodomes in other places where nitrogen is harder to come by. This is the only place other than Earth, that is believed to house major amounts of Nitrogen. Neptune appears to be the main last spot on the expansion out of the solar system. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Pluto</span> <br />Here we have an extremely distant planet with ice, and that's about all we can confirm. Ditto for Charon. Pluto is landable. Nothing to signifigant in size here though. <br /> <br /> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Eris</span> <br />Pretty much identical to the above. This is our last place of interest, pretty much, and will make an ideal orb station to manage the furtherest regions of the solar system to network colonization beyond! </span></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </p><p>The Multiversal Space Colonization + Advancement Organization: </p><p>
http://MSCAO.999.Org</p><p>|m|</p> </div>