If you worked for TonyStark,what technology would you create

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If money wasn't a limitation and you worked at Iron Man Tony Stark
Stark Industries where you could and had to develop any technology
to help save the world, what creatively witty one/s would you develop and why?


No doubt: miniature arc reactors suitable for powering businesses, homes & running electric vehicles. That would de-centralize the grid and allow us to tell the middle east etc. where to go & how to get there :mad:


Absolutely - More power.

You can do just about anything if you have the power for it. Create water? No problem. Grow food in the desert? No problem. Increase the standard of living for everyone? No problem.

All you need is a bit more power. Heck, you can even be sloppy. Efficiency isn't a problem when you've got a ginormous amount of power. Just make sure you don't melt your own control panel and you're fine.

Miniature, safe, reactors capable of being easily transported to where power is needed would supplant the use of fossil fuels almost overnight. That's why we use fossil fuels anyway - Nothing we have now offers as much energy in such a concentrated and easily transportable medium. Well, maybe dynamite... But, a dynamite powered cell phone wouldn't be easy to hear.. except for once.

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