Interstellar meteor' vibrations actually caused by a truck, study suggests

Vibrations supposedly generated by the fiery passage of an interstellar meteor through Earth's atmosphere in 2014 were actually caused by a truck, a new study suggests.
The study analyzed the composition of these spherules and found the isotope distribution was so unusual they must have an interstellar origin. While that sounds compelling, there are a few caveats.

The first is that the trajectory of the 2014 meteor isn’t that precisely known. We know the general impact region, but the data simply isn’t good enough to prove that these spherules came from this particular meteor.

The second is that “unusual” isotopes aren’t uncommon within our solar system. As the new study shows, there is a distribution of iron isotope ratios for objects originating in the solar system, specifically the ratios of 57Fe and 56Fe. The ratio for the “alien” spherules is well within that range. So well that the odds of them being interstellar is less than 1 in 10,000.

So these spherules have a local origin.

But they were likely formed from an impact event, so this new study went further. Is there a known impact from which these spherules originated? Turns out there is. The region in which they were found is part of what’s known as the Australasian tektite strewn field. It is a vast field that spans southeast Asia to Antarctica and was caused by a large impact 790,000 years ago. The team looked at other isotope ratios and found they are consistent with other known Australasian tektites.

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