Some years ago, about 1998, my then housemate drew to my attention an article in our local newspaper about several objects located in interstellar space, possibly through gravitational lensing, which were much more massive than any planets and far too dark and cold to be stars. I remember from the article that the largest was figured to be several Jupiter-masses. My immediate speculation based on the limited information was that they were accretions of dust, solar-wind particles and ice collecting at places where gravitational attraction from nearby stars is weak or cancelling, such as with LaGrangian Points. My housemate immediately remarked that it sounded like I was talking about dust bunnies, so we started referring to the objects as "Hypothetical Interstellar Dust Bunnies".<br /><br />Unfortunately, given that we only had the small amount of information from the newspaper article (You know how that goes), we had no real terms to define a solid search criterion and have been unably to determine anything further about the objects. I am hoping that anyone who knows anything more about these objects would be able to point me in the direction of pertinant information.<br /><br />Thanks<br />Cat. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>