My note, arxiv report. 'Searching for Black Holes in the Outer Solar System with LSST',
"Planet Nine has been proposed to potentially be a black hole in the outer solar system. We investigate the accretion flares that would result from impacts of small Oort cloud objects, and find that the upcoming LSST observing program will be able to either rule out or confirm Planet Nine as a black hole within a year. We also find that LSST could rule out or confirm the existence of trapped planet-mass black holes out to the edge of the Oort cloud, indirectly probing the dark matter fraction in subsolar mass black holes and potentially improving upon current limits by orders of magnitude."
The paper uses a BH mass ~ 5 earth masses and LSST efforts to find DM too in the outer solar system near the Oort cloud. A BH 5 earth masses, Schwarzschild radius about 4.3 cm or so. The diameter is about 8.9 cm. Postulated distance for Planet Nine is 400 - 800 AU in the report from the Sun. Using 400 AU distance from Earth, a BH 8.9 cm in diameter, the diameter can be resolved optical light near 3E-10 arcsec resolution

This report also raises questions about primordial BH in the universe, just how many formed in the BB model, say within one second period after the BB?,, Scientists propose plan to determine if Planet Nine is a primordial black hole
There must be something out there as something is causing Pluto's fresh surfaces. I suspect that there is a large trans Neptune planet on an elliptical orbit which causes tidal friction on Pluto's core keeping it warm and liquid which results in Pluto having fresh young surfaces