Very interesting picture. Since the picture was discovered in 1950, have they come up with a more detailed explanation other than that it might be a collision of two galaxies or a new type of galaxy.
Its also very interesting that theres another ring galaxy in the background.
I would be interested to know if there is a zoomed in picture of that ring galaxy. Maybe theres a nothing ring galaxy inside that one. LOL
I wonder if it a galaxy could have collided with a giant cloud of gas and for some reason there was a giant explosion in the core that slowly pushed the gas outward and it formed a ring. Guess nothing could generate an explosion that large though could it.
Also, maybe two galaxies flew by eachother and their outer rings of stars were both pulled out but just barely stayed with this galaxy. I suppose there'd be evidence of this nearby though? Or maybe a really young galaxy was just torn asunder and it forms a ring. Its interesting that the ring seems perfectly formed. Really seems like there is another source or gravity or was at some point.
Very interesting picture. Since the picture was discovered in 1950, have they come up with a more detailed explanation other than that it might be a collision of two galaxies or a new type of galaxy.
Its also very interesting that theres another ring galaxy in the background.
I would be interested to know if there is a zoomed in picture of that ring galaxy. Maybe theres a nothing ring galaxy inside that one. LOL
I wonder if it a galaxy could have collided with a giant cloud of gas and for some reason there was a giant explosion in the core that slowly pushed the gas outward and it formed a ring. Guess nothing could generate an explosion that large though could it.
Also, maybe two galaxies flew by eachother and their outer rings of stars were both pulled out but just barely stayed with this galaxy. I suppose there'd be evidence of this nearby though? Or maybe a really young galaxy was just torn asunder and it forms a ring. Its interesting that the ring seems perfectly formed. Really seems like there is another source or gravity or was at some point.