Any one thinking of future space travel and exploring wonderful planets can now just forget it all. It is not going to happen. This is the story I got from the creator of government space exploration back in about 1958. After realizing that me my dad and family where actively deploying into space at the time laser sentry satellites, just for our own defense against mass millions of subhumanoid amphibian and christ dellian spider clone imposter of human. Just to survive we went that far we where that desperate and inovative from the fear of these religious mayham monsters. The government or the main ruler of the space exploration uniform with all other countries. The official in charge stated since numerous people have witness space base lasers hitting earth from all around the globe must now open up a department of space exploration. But the things that are invading may have come from space or may be evolving to it using us as a steping stone to it , or evolve by some mayham scientist most likely a priest all of them tote a bible scripture. The official stated we are going into space but at a snails pace and expensive one. Due to the nature of the contamination we are not going to finance and provide the way for this invader at the expense of humans who might be the abuse slaves of this epidemic of a imposter of a human. There fore we are going to be gallant and die with it here on earth to contain it from reaching other worlds. He stated my family may continue with our space operations unhamper. So we did and develope explorations of the solar system easyly done although seperated from my family i continue and with simple other methods was able to explore and land on other solar sytem planets and other gallaxies. This the space officials have access too themselves but well just drag their feet on until every last human on earth perishis to this epidemic to avoid any other planet contamination. So all of you are all going down with your ship the whole &%$#@!ing w