James Webb Space Telescope finds supernova 'Hope' that could finally resolve major astronomy debate

As far as I can see this lone data point is too uncertain to claim that it is in tension with other methods. The lower limit at 69.9 kms^-1Mpc^-1 overlaps with Freedman et al upper limit of 70.78 kms^-1Mpc^-1.

As the Freedman group notes on their estimate, “These numbers [Ho = 69.03 +/- 1.75 (total error) km/sec/Mpc] are consistent with the current standard Lambda CDM model, without the need for the inclusion of additional new physics. Future JWST data will be required to increase the precision and accuracy of the local distance scale.”

The new method is using the suspect distance ladder SN1a magnitude data to boot. When they didn’t do that their estimate was a lot less eyebrow raising: H_0 = 71.8 +9.8 -7.6 km s^-1 Mpc^-1.
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Reactions: Unclear Engineer
Mar 8, 2022
"General relativity suggests that objects with mass cause the warping of spacetime, the four-dimensional unification of space and time, with gravity arising from this curvature."

I believe and evidence supports that massfields create non-Euclidean geometry in space-time,
notably time-dilation AND space contraction.

Gravity which involves an actual acceleration energy interchange is a mechanical byproduct of that non-Euclidean geometry but doesn't arise directly from it.

Light can not accelerate, period.

Light can only follow the geometry of space-time which entails zero energy exchange.

Light follows pure vector inertia and nothing else.

Which is why light's trajectory is geometry or mass lensing and has nothing to do with gravity.

But parrot academic dogma and don't use your brains, which otherwise could damage your career.

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