Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin faces scathing criticism of safety and culture


Aug 14, 2020
One thing everyone has to realize about history and frontiering. Frontiering has never been "safe". It's like beginning, creation and exodus, not even close to being safe. Those who successfully do it have survived, and thus prospered. The ones who put "safety first" above getting there didn't get there.... didn't get out of port or off the ground. Frontier is always a risk, one of the greatest risks in everyway possible. If the government stops forward edge entities such as Blue Origin for not being a politically-ideologically proven safe entity, frontier stops with the stoppage.

One of the reasons for frontiering is to get out from under the constant corralling tyrannical heel of the Old World. Governments have to loosen the chains mightily concerning frontier or it doesn't happen. We'd be enormously further along, enormously further along(!), if it wasn't for totalitarianism (absolutism), a totalitarian state, owning the "high frontier" (and everything about it).... therefore, in parallel dimension to a slavish state of frontier, a slavish state of us in a control state pen of -- and pinning to -- Earth alone.

So, therefore instead of just one state of being unsafe, there are two states of being unsafe. The new world of frontier.... and the imprisoning pen of Earth. The second, proven throughout all time in its kind of physics, is never anything but unsafe. The more, the far more(!), unsafe!
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Nicely stated!

Real life is always about risk assessment. The more safety we can feasibly apply is only secondary to any real goal.

IIRC, last year, > 60% of New Yorkers who fell to Covid came from “safely “ staying at home.

I love thisABBA Song.
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