Jupiter and Saturn swing by the moon this week ahead of a 'Great Conjunction'

FYI, fantastic views tonight along ecliptic after sunset at my location. Temps -01C or colder. I used my 90-mm refractor telescope and 10x50 binoculars for some outstanding views along the ecliptic tonight. At 71x, the true field of view (FOV) in my eyepiece a bit more than 60 arcminute.

Note from my log. [Observed 1645-1745 EST. Sunset 1647 EST/2147 UT. The December Sky & Telescope shows Io occultation this evening at 2213 UT/1713 EST. Io disappears behind Jupiter. I could see this in progress at 2206 UT/1706 EST at 71x. Io a small dot and bump on Jupiter's limb. Starry Night shows Saturn and Jupiter ~ 26' angular separation tonight. The waxing crescent Moon with earthshine, Saturn and Jupiter like two diamonds was an incredible view along ecliptic after sunset. I was able to see Saturn, rings, Titan, Io occultation in progress, Jupiter's cloud bands, and the other 3 Galilean moons tonight in the same FOV. Later after 1730 EST, some stars became visible in the FOV, this would make a lovely photo. The entire sky tonight with waxing crescent Moon, earthshine, Saturn and Jupiter like diamonds close to each other, was something to enjoy. 10x50 binoculars gave excellent views too.]

What I observed tonight using my binoculars and telescope with clear, colder skies - better than any simulated view :)


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