Jupiter Ascending' came out 10 years ago, and we're still not sure how the Matrix creator's space opera went so wrong

Mar 8, 2023
Well I think the movie was good I would have given it 85 out of 100, another under rated movie was Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets also panned but also good.
Feb 20, 2025
I agree, Jupiter Ascending is worth an 85 out of 100. The problem with most reviewers is that they have a mindset specific to reality films, how things look, feel, & operate in the reality in which they live. Real science fiction, if done right (as Jupiter Ascending was), push the boundaries of reality with imagination into depictions & perceptions that are meant to challenge the viewers' ability to suspend their reality in order to consider the film's reality as one possibility of existence (much as Marvel's multiverse concept is meant to do).
The negative reviews of this film were all the work of unimaginative viewers acknowledging their shortcomings.
Feb 21, 2025
I found Jupiter Ascending to be brilliant and refreshing.

Star Wars is a peculiar comparison as Jupiter Ascending is in many ways its polar opposite.

I loved the first Star Wars movie, and the others had their moments. But, Star Wars generally was semi-camp good guys versus bad guys with cute gags and intense action. The characters were iconic. The movies were replete with oohs and ahha and laughs. As a teenage male, I certainly identified with Luke, was captivated by Leah, and was intrigued by Obi Wan. But, I can’t think of a character except Luke who I could relate to as I might to anyone I might actually know or have known.

Jupiter Ascending begins by building characters that I identified with as being like people I know or who I could meet on the street. Mila Kuntis was such a surprise as I only knew her from her role on That Seventies Show where her character was supposed to be mostly one dimensional until later in the series. In Jupiter Ascending, she was seamlessly convincing as a person - a person who might live in a house down the street or in an apartment down the hall. So, when the weird begins and the action starts, she draws you into what the character is experiencing in a way that Star Wars seldom did.

And, I found the world building to be great with enough camp to provide a timely laugh. And, the conflict to me was much more relatable than those in most of the Star Wars movies. It is a movie that I enjoy watching again from time to time.

I would give the movie at least a 90 out of 100 because of the high quality of the acting, the character development and the fresh aspects of the story. As to the criticism of Channing, I think that he and others played the roles that were intended; we are seeing things from the point of view of a person who lives in our neighborhood. This is Jupiter’s story and she encounters huge cultural differences, so there should be culture shock that is overwhelming and leaves many perceptions superficial and only partially understood.
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Oct 22, 2024
The movie was fine. The only people who dont seem to like it are critics who need something to write about. Everytime I hear or see a critic write about a movie being bad, I make it a point to see the movie and its never as bad as they declare. It must really suck to always sit in judgement through a movie, and always have to story magic just a little too far from your grasp.
Apr 23, 2024
I found Jupiter Ascending to be brilliant and refreshing.

Star Wars is a peculiar comparison as Jupiter Ascending is in many ways its polar opposite.

I loved the first Star Wars movie, and the others had their moments. But, Star Wars generally was semi-camp good guys versus bad guys with cute gags and intense action. The characters were iconic. The movies were replete with oohs and ahha and laughs. As a teenage male, I certainly identified with Luke, was captivated by Leah, and was intrigued by Obi Wan. But, I can’t think of a character except Luke who I could relate to as I might to anyone I might actually know or have known.

Jupiter Ascending begins by building characters that I identified with as being like people I know or who I could meet on the street. Mila Kuntis was such a surprise as I only knew her from her role on That Seventies Show where her character was supposed to be mostly one dimensional until later in the series. In Jupiter Ascending, she was seamlessly convincing as a person - a person who might live in a house down the street or in an apartment down the hall. So, when the weird begins and the action starts, she draws you into what the character is experiencing in a way that Star Wars seldom did.

And, I found the world building to be great with enough camp to provide a timely laugh. And, the conflict to me was much more relatable than those in most of the Star Wars movies. It is a movie that I enjoy watching again from time to time.

I would give the movie at least a 90 out of 100 because of the high quality of the acting, the character development and the fresh aspects of the story. As to the criticism of Channing, I think that he and others played the roles that were intended; we are seeing things from the point of view of a person who lives in our neighborhood. This is Jupiter’s story and she encounters huge cultural differences, so there should be culture shock that is overwhelming and leaves many perceptions superficial and only partially understood.
You nailed the review. Nice one.


Feb 22, 2025
I'm amazed that Jupiter Ascending gets such a bad rep. I really enjoyed it. The biggest issue for Space dramas is the world building. It takes time and people seem far too impatient and unimaginative these days. I get wanting to turn your brain off and enjoy a movie but you gotta appreciate a good plot and world building.

Valerian had the same problem but I'd argue the lack of chemistry was the biggest issue with that movie. That was some impressive casting to end up with zero chemistry


Feb 23, 2025
I've watched Jupiter Ascending as many times as I've watched favorite episodes of Star Trek TOS - and continue to enjoy it as much as I did the first watching. Thankful that I never read a review before I fell in love with this nearly-perfect masterpiece.

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