Key Atlantic current could collapse soon, 'impacting the entire world for centuries to come,' leading climate scientists warn

A couple of comments on this one:

1. There seems to be some disagreement on the level of concern. Read , which concludes:
"This doesn’t mean that there is no long-term decline in the AMOC ,but the evidence we have right now is that the Florida Current has been stable for 40 years.

2. The prediction about how this "global warming effect" will cause all sorts of cooling results in much of the northern hemisphere seem to be looking more like a new ice age than a tripping point into the climate of Venus. It raises questions about what we still don't understand about how ice ages actually start at the end of interglacial warm periods. So, I am wondering how these predictions of cooling fit into longer-term models for the whole planet's climate. The media likes to trumpet any bad news, and tends to ignore good news, so I am wondering what an unbiased view of these projected changes really portends.


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