A couple of comments on this one:
1. There seems to be some disagreement on the level of concern. Read
https://eos.org/articles/the-florida-current-may-be-slowing-down-but-not-by-much , which concludes:
"This doesn’t mean that there is no long-term decline in the AMOC ,but the evidence we have right now is that the Florida Current has been stable for 40 years.
2. The prediction about how this "
global warming effect" will cause all sorts of
cooling results in much of the northern hemisphere seem to be looking more like a new ice age than a tripping point into the climate of Venus. It raises questions about what we still don't understand about how ice ages actually start at the end of interglacial warm periods. So, I am wondering how these predictions of cooling fit into longer-term models for the whole planet's climate. The media likes to trumpet any bad news, and tends to ignore good news, so I am wondering what an unbiased view of these projected changes really portends.