Launch time: 07:30-09:40 GMT (3:30-5:40 am EDT)
Launch site: Naro Space Center, South Korea
The Korea Space Launch Vehicle 1 will launch on its second flight from a new launch site on the southern tip of Korea. The KSLV 1 rocket uses a Russian liquid-fueled first stage and a Korean solid-fueled upper stage. The payload for this launch was the Science and Technology Satellite 2B (STSAT 2B) demonstration spacecraft.
STSAT-2B Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STSAT-2B
KARI's STSAT-2 Page: http://new.kari.re.kr/english/02_cms/cm ... nu_seq=119
KSLV 1 (Naro 1) Launch Vehicle
Naro 1 Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naro-1
Astronautix KSLV Page: http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/kslv.htm
GlobalSecurity.org KSLV Page: http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/world/rok/kslv.htm
KARI's Naro 1 English Overview: http://new.kari.re.kr/english/02_cms/cm ... enu_seq=30
KARI's Naro 1 Korean Page: http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... l=ko&tl=en
(without Google Translation: http://www.kslv.or.kr/kslv/kslv_biz.asp?mn=1)
First Stage
Khrunichev built first stage which is based on Angrara Rocket family design, but has less performance. It has one RD-151 engine burning RP-1/LOX
RD-151 in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RD-170#RD-151
Khrunichev's Angara Page: http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=44&lang=en
Angara Rocket Family in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angara_(rocket_family)
Khrunichev's KSLV Article: http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=73&lang=en
Second Stage
One KSR-1 solid rocket motor built by KARI
Astronautix KSLV Page: http://www.astronautix.com/stages/ksr1.htm
Thrust: 86,2kN
Specific Impulse: 250 sec
Burn Time: 25 sec
Naro Space Center
Naro Space Center Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_Space_Center
KARI's Official English Site: http://new.kari.re.kr/english/
Korean Aerospace Research Institute Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_Aero ... _Institute
KARI's Space Related Photo Gallery: http://new.kari.re.kr/english/02_cms/cm ... st&iPage=1
Google Maps Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?t=h&q=34.43 ... 07585&z=17