Looking back at '2010', the criminally-underrated sequel to '2001: A Space Odyssey

Oct 30, 2021
I love this movie! I didn't catch it on the big screen but remember watching it on one of the earlier big screen tvs and getting that dizzying height feeling when they were free floating over to the Discovery and looking straight down at the surface of IO below. I'm hoping for a 4K remaster and would love to see it again in theaters in IMAX! 2001 in 4K on my 85" looks awesome, so fingers crossed!

I continued to repeatedly watch it over the years as tvs got bigger and better and the format quality got better and better. And when I was studying Russian I would constantly pause the movie to read all the displays on the Leonov and listen to the actors speaking, many of whom were Russian. Hellen Mirren does an admirable job with her Russian though it was funny to catch that when she's counting down till they fire the engines on the Leonov she misses три (three)!

And of course great actors with Roy Scheider, John Lithgow and Bob Balaban and it was so cool they brought back Keir Dullea (David Bowman) and Douglas Rain, the voice of Hal from 2001, who sadly passed away in 2018.

Though it deviates from the book a bit (as did 2001), if you haven't seen the movie and are a 2001 / Kubrick / Clark fan you will enjoy it.
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