Magnetic Propagation Delay Propulsion.

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This is done with magnetic propagation and timing. If you fire an electomaget off, the magnetic fields propagate at the speed of light "186,000" mph. If you have two electromagnets close to each other and were to fire one wait till the propagating field reaches the second one, then fire the second one, the second one will produce a force. Now when the field from the second electromagnet reaches the first one, the first one will have reversed polarity in this time and rather than "oposing force" they have an "equal force" in the same direction. When you get down to the physics of it there is alot more detail. But you can move in space with a battery "electromotive force" and not loose any mass or act on any exterior motives. Think about it, how fast can you go? fater than light? you are repelling against your own magnetic fields in a different time and space so your speed is realitive to yourself! At 1g acceleration you can reach light speed in about 1 year.<br /><br />300/"frequency in mhz"=wavelength in meters<br />electromagnetic spacing of 1/4 wavelength "if you draw it out you'll see why"<br />magnetic field strength calculated with log "higher the frequency the more efficient"<br />coil length 1/4 wavelength "current lags voltage by 90 degrees, no current no magnetic field!"<br /><br />Running in the GHz reigion to get noticable force. 300/30ghz=1centimeter <br /><br />God created the universe as a puzzle for life to solve!


Interesting concept. I think I understand what you are getting at. One issue the Newtonians will obviously have is that it would only work if the magnets are free to repell each other. It's like that office toy with the metal balls hanging by wires next to each other. Yes they keep banging the energy back and forth, but it doesn't get you anywhere, and the elastic and frictional losses of each hit mean eventually all the energy is dissipated as frictional and elastic heat.<br /><br />Now, while that sounds like a sound logical debunking of the concept, the Newtonians forget that EM fields like those described deal in transformtions of the Lorentz field and thus are not always mechanically or magnetically attached to the field generators. An EM pulse detaches from its generator when the generators field grounds to zero. The generator only reacts to objects the pulse acts upon when the pulse's reflections return upon it.


Back EMF of the first coil nuetralizes the effect.<br /><br />You aren't the first one to think of this.<br /><br />Please folks, do <b>not</b> invest any money in this one . . . . .<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


Back EMF? Are you talking about the kickback effect caused by the magnetic field acting on the matter on the second "coil" or the "collapsing" magnetic field from the electrons springing back into random orbitals? Harmonics are not fun to deal with. Please Specify... If many have thought of it i don't know why litton would be wasting so much money in the caterpillar program? Mabe theres more than you think with this little equation.


Coupling between the two prevents energy usage simply a transfer between the two coils back & forth, it's a transformer.<br />In your case do you want M in the formula to be negative?<br />L<sub>T</sub> = L<sub>1</sub> + L<sub>2</sub> - 2M<br />Not quite clear if you expect the first field to reach the second coil or where it's field will be, are you expecting the <i>broken-off</i> field not to reach the second coil at all giving M = 0<br />Seems like blowing into you own sails.<br />Having said that there is a mystery whereby a coil fed with AC levitates itself.


Interesting theory and it would most likely work very very well inside of a solar system where there is ion particles, space dust, etc. However, how would it work in open space, free from anything but space. Your little ship would not be able to accellerate.


The fields are "broken off", In communications say with a satellite LNB or LNA you set the polarization to the bird on the horizion. Directv has a 12GHz LNB with vertical and horizontal polarization depending on the transponder you are recieving. When setting a Sat transmitter you have to set the polarization in degrees from the horizion "not azimuth" depending on the corisponding bird you wanna talk to. If you polarized vertically and your trying to recieve a horizontally polarized transmission you wont recieve it as well. You wouldn't be able to communicate via radio if it wasn't possible for a magnetic field to "break off". You wouldn't be able to recieve a radio signal made of electrons if there was plastic on the antenna now would you. This little problem is more for people in the microwave communication field, i.e litton varian, hughes, and so on.
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