I enjoyed this celestial show last night. Out with my 90-mm refractor telescope using TeleVue 14-mm Delos and 10x50 binoculars. 2015-2240 EST, snow and ice all around too with Full Moon light everywhere, quite lovely sight. At 71x, some of the photos in the report look very similar to my eyepiece views with a bit more than 1-degree true FOV. Temps -2C/-3C and the wood burning stove running, sure felt good when I came back inside

Mars disappeared near 2116 EST by my flip cell phone time and reappeared near 2231 EST. Excellent clear skies and cold for me last night that allowed great views.
Edit, I did use a #17 polarizer filter to help reduce glare and brightness of the Full Moon. Full Moon 13-Jan-2025 2227 UT. Some slight surface detail visible on Mars too with angular size some 14.5 or so arcsecond.