What follows is the best copy I can provide of the first thread from the pre-Delete era I've been able to recover. My motives are somewhat self-serving since I made many contributions of my own, and the thread is a favorite of mine: mars how will we do it?<br /><br />But I've resisted the impulse to edit out less-than-brilliant comments made by me, and by others. The goal is to bring back the old material as intact as possible.<br /><br />Once the thread is completely restored, I hope anyone who feels motivated to comment on its subject will post their remarks right here.<br /><br />If you have any URLs for old threads, please PM them to me, and I will see what I can do. My free time, like everyone else's, is limited, but I will try to resurrect interesting threads as time permits. Anyone similarly motivated by a desire to repair some of the damage done to these forums is encouraged to PM me, as well - I can use all the help I can get. : )<br /><br />Comments, questions, criticisms? Send me a Private Message.<br /><br />Otherwise, have fun enjoying the return of an old thread!<br /><br />~Serak the Preparer (Interstellar Culinary Specialist, Retired Pong Champion, Mad Archivist)