Math Problem

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OK heres the problem

How massive and how close would an object have to pass to Earth to change the tilt in its (earths) axis?

Before you answer, let me add two small details

You cannot change the orbit of the moon in the process.
You cannot change the orbit of the Earth in the process by more than 5 days.

Is this impossible?



Fallingstar1971":2rzktyqj said:
OK heres the problem

How massive and how close would an object have to pass to Earth to change the tilt in its (earths) axis?

Before you answer, let me add two small details

You cannot change the orbit of the moon in the process.
You cannot change the orbit of the Earth in the process by more than 5 days.

Is this impossible?


There is not enough information to answer your queston. I imagine it is quite possible to change the tilt in the earths axis by 10^-100000000000000000 degrees with a very small object.


Yes far too many variables to address the question How big a mass? What is the approach angle to the earth? What is the approach velocity? etc,etc...


I guesstimate that nothing but a direct impact could change the tilt.
Anything with enough mass to affect Earth while passing by affect it equally while on the approach as while going away which would result in nullifying the original alteration.
There is also a gyroscopic effect of the Earths rotation which is not to be underestimated.

Also anything with enough mass to affect Earth would without doubt affect Moon.


I have given plenty of info........

There are only two conditions

1. You cannot change the orbit of the moon
2. You can only change Earths orbit by 5 days

All other info is up to you

The goal is to see if its possible. If I lock you into approach vectors or whatever, I am limiting you. I am removing those limits.

As long as the first two conditions are met, you could put a black hole in LEO for all I care.

And as far as modifying the Earths orbit, you could do at least THAT without disturbing the moon. (I give the Sun as my Example, it holds Earth while Earth holds the moon. If I dragged Earth out of its orbit, the chances are pretty good the moon will come with it . If I moved the Sun itself, it would take the solar system with it)

But I digress. I would like to keep the moon.

I am trying to settle an argument with a co-worker. He seems to think that the Earth formed with TWO moons, these moons held Earth at a 90 degree angle to the ecliptic. One was removed leaving just one moon and a now tilted planet.

So I asked, "What force could removed an entire moon, tilt the planet, but still leave not only a moon, but a still habitable planet in its wake?"

No response..........

So I asked, "Earth is not the only planet tilted, the rest seem to have some degree of tilt as well, is this force responsible for that as well?"

The response was "Not all the planets are tilted the same way. Jupiter has almost no tilt."

So I said "Your mystery object would now have to be less massive than Jupiter, yet massive enough to tilt Saturn, yet still tilt Earth and steal a moon and still leave the planet habitable?"

He said "yes"

So now I ask, is this possible?



Well, one object or phenomenon can't possibly be responsible for all the disturbances your friend mentions.
One way I can see a planet acquiring some extra tilt is by direct impact. No gravitational or any other outside force I can think of can change the axial tilt.
2 moons theory makes no sense because moon's gravity affects all the parts of the Earth equally and can not produce any moment (torque) since there is no lever arm (it is zero) therefore no twisting, just pulling.


How could change Earth's orbit without changing the moon's? Not to come off brash, just what your asking of going to effect anything within Earth's range regardless, and the large amount of factors of not trying to effect the moon, is hard.


If you move the Earth, the moon will stay with it, if you do it gently enough.

Just like if I moved the Sun, the Solar System would come with it.

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