I tried my DSI tonight and had some troubles I was wondering if someone here might be able to help me with. I hooked it up to my laptop and set my LX200 to track Venus – I removed my eyepiece and placed the DSI in….but the display for the “Live view” was a white screen. When I removed the imager and pointed it at a light from my house it started to show that on the screen. So it didn’t take me long to figure that there was not enough light being collected to result with an image. Does this sound right? Venus is incredibly bright tonight – I used my 31MM Nagler to center Venus then I positioned it high/low and on all sides systematically just incase the imager didn’t line up as nicely as my eyepiece…..I figured that way I would maximize the light. Still I got zippo. I am not at all discouraged, but slightly bummed. Some clouds have rolled in – with some luck they will clear and around 10:30 or so I will attempt to image Saturn, but that will have even less light ! Any advice?