Hey all,<br /><br />I'm brand new here and I've really enjoyed reading some of the posts in various discussions here. It's really cool to find this place. I have a couple questions that have been burning in my brain for the last month or so and I haven't been able to find an answer in my searches online.<br /><br />I've read that most shooting stars that we see are a meteorite the size of a grain or sand or a pea.<br /><br />I get the idea that fireballs must be the size of a basketball.<br /><br />I read an article about a meteor that was estimated at 10 meters that burned up over the south pole leaving a great cloud of dust particles behind...but it apparently burned up and never impacted.<br /><br />I read that the crater in Arizona was created by a meteor the size of a house.<br /><br />What size does a meteor need to be in order to actually impact the earth before burning up? How much does angle of entry have to do with it?<br /><br />Also, at what point is an object considered a meteorite, meteor or asteroid? and...when an asteroid is said to be 10 or 300 meters, is that at the longest point or the narrowest diameter?