One dimensional thinking is not a valid scientific approach to problem solving.
I agree. The one-dimensional thinking that posits carbon dioxide as the control knob for "global mean temperature" and blames its human-caused increase for "global warming", while demanding ruinous countermeasures and misallocating scarce resources, is a major contributor to the present mess.
In reality, the planet's climate is a staggeringly complex web of inter-relationships and feedback loops upon feedback loops, with an inbuilt bias towards self-correcting any overswings and stopping the system from approaching hypothesized "tipping points", let alone runaway conditions.
No supercomputer and no model has ever come close to accurately depicting the evolution of the climate. The dire predictions of those climate scientists raking in the most research dollars turn out to be greatly exaggerated, time after time.
However, the fear evoked in the public through the constant drumbeat of catastrophic scenarios continues to be maximally exploited by a loose coalition of profiteers, from pliant researchers to politicians and bureaucrats seeking to grab more power to ideologues pushing totalitarian agendas to corporate interests looking for unfair advantages.
Until the public see through the scam, rise up, and shake off the profiteers' stranglehold, one-dimensional thinking will continue to be applied.