More of my e-mailing the John McCain campaing(i feel like this is misspelled but don't feel like loo

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<p>Once agian Mr McCain, you lack the ability to read between the lines.&nbsp; Your talk about leaving the poor to natural selection processses will drive them straight into the military, a clearly socialist organization.</p><p>As for your military policy . . .when will we learn to just outgrow our problems and not do this brute force effort. Yes, you may be good for space policy, but you'd be better if you see how it is the solution to the majority of today's 'industrial' problems.&nbsp; It can even solve our terrorist problems.</p>


<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Once agian Mr McCain, you lack the ability to read between the lines.&nbsp; Your talk about leaving the poor to natural selection processses will drive them straight into the military, a clearly socialist organization.As for your military policy . . .when will we learn to just outgrow our problems and not do this brute force effort. Yes, you may be good for space policy, but you'd be better if you see how it is the solution to the majority of today's 'industrial' problems.&nbsp; It can even solve our terrorist problems. <br /> Posted by oker59</DIV></p><p>Care to explain that? </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>


I see that I could explain more; but, then again, one could always explain more; and, I think if you've been watching enough of McCain this year, you should see what I've said;


<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>I see that I could explain more; but, then again, one could always explain more; and, I think if you've been watching enough of McCain this year, you should see what I've said; <br /> Posted by oker59</DIV></p><p>Umm... nooo... Because for sure, the first portion makes absolutely NO sense without some kind of explanation. Our military comprises about 1/2 of 1% of our population. That means that for every 1000 people you know, 5 are in the military. By way of comparison, those who are identified as having no health insurance (defining that they are "poor") equal 47 million, or about 16% of our population.</p><p>IOW, that means that for every 1000 people you know, 160 of them have no health insurance and are too "poor" to afford it. If the Military was a Socialistic avenue by which poor people managed to get what they need, our military should be 100 times the size it is.</p><p>It's fine to argue that we need a smaller military if that's what you really are wanting. It's also fine to argue that we shouldn't flex our military muscle overseas like we do if that's how you believe. But to accuse McCain of being the very thing he claims he's opposing to support your point of view is just wrong.</p><p>I myself think we spend far too much on "Defense". I myself think that we can no longer afford to spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting wars overseas and further that it's justified to spend money having our military all over the planet 24/7/365, but I CERTAINLY don't think that it's got anything to do with Socialism, not do I think that John McCai's intent is to drive poor people into the Socialist Military. Were that the case, it would be cheaper and easier just to bring back conscripted service and be done with it.</p><p>Now that we have all THAT out of the way, let's discuss this whole "natural selection" thing. Is that a direct quote from McCain, or is that how you view McCain's economic and social policies? </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>
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