Question my idea for getting off planet to mars with ease

Jun 1, 2022
what should i do use a balloon the size of 16 football fields to lift my fully loaded space ship and 40 f1 rocket engines to lanch me off and stop or a levitating spiral gun and send ballon to land and lift off there. send a hundred thousand tons per ship to build a mars Colonie whats the cost of material and purchasing the companys then buying the engine design and building yours. lift and trust engineering. do you think a 20 gigajoule hydrogen power station and 10 million farad capacitors can push it levitating coils or rings thinking about making the rings come up out of the ocean i could have it go up the whole 62 miles corrosion upkeep but the view. I could have a shell come apart and put my ships up. ideals on a little research. i know its to fast for man but jumbo rocket jet plane to take the people up to their ride to mars. thinking on magnetic anti gravity to block the g forces so people can ride.
© 3 hours ago
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Reactions: Steven Durham
Jun 1, 2022
i plan to lift it 62 miles up in a contaner have the container split apart then use cargoship with 40 f1 engines to push to mars
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