Question My question - 10 - 5 - 2024

Oct 5, 2024
Why haven't I seen the moon for 1 week and a half? Are we in the 10 nights of darkness? At first i thought it was cause of a new moon but then i realized a new moon is about 3 days not 1 week and a half, but then i got to thinking maybe we haven't seen the moon because it's under the horizon but to be honest i dont know if thats why we haven't seen the moon for that LONG because other who dont live in my area also hasn't seen the moon lately, But if someone can give me a ( TRUTHFUL ) answer about this I'd appreciate it, Thanks!
( Sorry if this question is in the wrong group thingy or if this question has already been asked or if it's something you dont believe in. ).
Oct 5, 2024
I'd love to hear other people's opinion on this and some answers about this please and thanks!
Oct 5, 2024
That's the only way I can see the sky, where I live.
wow! fascinating i never knew there was a place where u couldnt see the moon! AWESOME, where i live we can see the moon, but for a week and a half i havent seen it so im not used to it! /\ v /\
Oct 4, 2024
Sometimes the moon is positioned where it is in the sky during daytime and difficult, if not impossible, to see.

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