Question My view on: baryonic asymmetry, quantum field, dark matter, dark energy, intergalactic travel.

Aug 31, 2021
I have an explanation for every major question in the astrophysics, particularly: baryonic asymmetry, quantum field, dark matter, dark energy, intergalactic travel.

There are four equally plausible origins of the Universe (divine, spontaneous, hyper reality and simulation) and none can be practically proven or disproven. This article is not about the origin of the Universe and therefore I will use Nature as an exemplary source of the creation - conditionally discarding hyper reality and simulation, and avoiding divine solution not to break community rules.

Nature is the greatest alchemist ever: It produced something out of a nothing by introducing two contrary substances (matter and anti-matter), 0 = -1 +1, plunged into the quantum field for the purpose of separation and preservation. Matter is manifested outwards in the form of stars and their offsprings, anti-matter is manifested inwards in the form of black holes. Regardless of the inflation speed, majority of matter and anti-matter was annihilated resulting in 70% dark energy existing in a form of gamma, X-ray and UV radiation or zero-point intergalactic vacuum energy.

Quantum field does not give but allocate mass to the particles based on their distributed mathematical properties. Quantum field is 3d lattice made of pure energy, having infinitesimally thin bars, where interaction of the grid and content realizes phenomenon known as Time. Time is a synergy of space, physical forces and (anti)matter which can not be observed but only measured. To measure Time we use relations of the movement of the celestial bodies. There are General Time, valid universally on the cosmic scale, and relative Time, valid regionally for local circumstances. As soon as we leave the relative environment our notion of Time adjusts to the General Time.

Black holes are reservoirs of anti-matter which has sunken deep into the quantum field during the inflation period. Hence the dark spots in CMBR picture. Static black holes thermally radiate energy while rotating black holes blast it out along the axis. Spacetime is stretched from the event horizon down to the singularity of the anti-matter, like a runway, with enormous gravity force simultaniously making entrance like a fall getting smaller and smaller, and faster and faster, approaching the singularity becoming massless for a brief moment, avoiding annihilation, achieving speed of the light and then exitting on the other side, gradually slowing due to the gravity. Everything in the black hole happens very gentle - they are harsh just prima facia. When certain anomaly occur, then anti-matter and matter annihilate creating gravitational waves which can temporary serve as anti-gravity and push out the material. Here lies the answer to the intergalactic propulsion: to get enough power for it we need directed annihilation than is obtained by angular encounter of matter and anti-matter.

The reason why Pauli exclusion principle does not apply in the black hole singularity is because we are not talking about the particles with the positive mass. We are talking about an anti-matter which differently interacts with the quantum field. In the case of the matter, I would expect bundle of it not singularity.

5 % of the matter is ordinary matter, 25% is dark matter. They both have mass but they oscillate in the distinct electromagnetic spectrum: ordinary in the visible part and infrared, dark in the infrared solely.

Added subsequently: since there are particles of the anti-matter in the free form floating around the Universe, kept from getting closer to the Earth due to its magnetic fields in the atmosphere, obviously not all of the anti-matter is contained in the black holes. I re-invoke my diversification/shuffling/embedding model which say that anti-matter could have been preserved by deceiving the annihilation with introduction of many physical rules. In all that cosmic diversity particles of anti-matter get confused. They can only annihilate with the exact member of their pair and only in their original form. This is just a theory of course and I wouldn`t try it myself nor suggest it to anyone except far away in the space using minimal amounts (traces).

Taking into the account ex nihilo theory and observed expansion of the Universe, it seems plausible to me that one moment in the very distant future, I am talking of an entire eon, galaxies will spread infinitely, stars will burn all the available fuel and matter will decay leaving only the dust behind which will eventually evaporate into the oblivion. From that oblivion new Universe can (will) be born and the Big Bang will start from the scratch. Therefore I give much credit to the Penrose`s CCC (Conformal cyclic cosmology). Moreover, each black hole can create Universe for itself. Since singularity has infinitesimal size and with the help of inflation and expansion, the smallest amount of energy passing through the singularity can create whole new Universe in distinct reality. Imagine brain network: each neuron could be galaxy and every synapse singularity serving as a gateway, whereabout entire brain is Universe, with infinite extensions and precedings. If you ever reach the end... You will just find a new door. Even if there is an ultimate end... You will return to the beginning not remembering the journey. We must accept one fact: It is whatever and whenever It wants to be. And It can hide for as long as It wants. The beauty is in the journey; the strenght lies in the hope; the absolute revelation is impossible. Those who speak in the terms of limits do not speak about the Multiverse. Finish is not on the horizon, onset is always here in us.
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Can time run in reverse? Could we rewind time to undo what once was? If we can rewind time, can events be changed, or is time trapped where as the same events must always occur in the same order never to be undone?
Aug 31, 2021
In order to time travel, other than black hole model using near event horizon orbit proposed in the Interstellar movie, the only solution I see is by hacking into the quantum field, deep diving beneath the physical world and reversing the entropy from the engineering room. We do not need real black hole singularity - we can produce one in the laboratory and plug in our equipment.

Imagine being a pickle in a jar. Someone is shaking the jar from the outside, not from the inside obviously. You want to return into the previous position but being a pickle and inside the jar it is impossible to do it: you must stop being a pickle and get out of a jar. In scientific terms, you must become massless and get out of the fabric of the spacetime.

Anything else, like hallucinating or simulation or parallel reality, is not real time travel.

Hence yes, time travel is possible but only when we achieve something like Einstein-Rosen bridge.

Can time run in reverse? Yes. Can we rewind time? Yes. Can events be changed? Yes. Is time trapped? No. But we have to find the way to hack into the system and manipulate it from the outside. Every box can be rearranged but only from the outside.
We all form opinions and we love our opinions to be right.
We see movies with great imagination and reality seems so real.
I would advise for people to go on a journey of discovery.
Aug 31, 2021
I detect one huge problem in the scientific development, common to the human understanding of the reality, which is our narrow perception. Our frame of reference is always adjusted to our human terms: average human life is 70 years, modern science 400 years, human civilization 8000 years, first humans "walked" the Earth few millions years - in reverse, restricting our comprehension of the evolution process, grasping the size of the Universe and making us unable to visualize how much more we have to discover overall. To see far beyond the horizon we must observe from the cosmic scale. Then and only then things make sense.

The observable part of the Universe is 13.8 bn years. Relate human terms to it. How 70 years, 400 years, 8000 years or few million years stand in contrast to the 13.8 billion?

What about aeon? How 13.8 billion years stand in contrast to the aeon?

There is many more discoveries to be made yet vanity and selfishness are perpetual limiting factors. Wise scientist know that (s)he is building upon the foundation layed by all the predecessors. We must always remember those, who in any significant way, contributed cosmology: from Galileo and Newton, through Einstein and Bohr, to the Hawking and Penrose there are thousand of names worth mentioning indeed.

However, the exact definition of time remains an unsolved problem in the science.

I have red a good study. Here is the link:

Starting with the euclidean 3d geometry, taking into the account Newton`s contemplations and Einstein theory of relativity, Hamilton`s quaternions, Minkowski framework and Clifford spacetime, I notice that everyone is using three dimensional approach which means that vectors are covering just the half of the space. What about the other half? Everyone is using X, Y and Z vectors but what about Xr, Yr and Zr vectors? Actually there are six observable physical dimensions, not three and there are two vectors of time: past and future, not one. Hence, there is total of 8 basic dimensions, namely: X/Xr, Y/Yr, Z/zr and T/Tr, with "r" meaning reversed. String theory suggests even more dimensions, from 10 to 26, probably having 3+1 for beginning. I see 6 physical dimensions and two temporal comprised in one we call the present moment. Past and future exist simultaniously in the present moment.

If we use three dimensions then what is the starting point of our coordinate system? And how can space dimensions have negative value? I see six dimensions as much better solution because we avoid negative values. Starting point remains the issue both ways. It would be place of initial singularity, if we ever find it, otherwise we can choose arbitrary position.

Authors of this study make very interesting conclusion: Our main result is that time is the scalar component of a Clifford space and can be viewed as an intrinsic geometric property of three-dimensional space without the need for the specific addition of a fourth dimension.

But they are observing the reality narrowly and they discard the time dimension because it is of scalar nature. They discard the time dimension because they are observing reality from the physical perspective. Wrong! Spacetime is merged into the one and therefore you can not make proper observations using only partial approach, that is, observing only the time from the space point of view. You must observe it particularly, mutually correlating and completely. Not just time from the space but space from the time as well and as a whole. Yes, space is vector and time is scalar from the space perspective, but from the time perspective it is opposite: time is vector and space is scalar.

I believe that from the temporal dimension you can go in the two directions: past and future, with space having scalar representation. I see spacetime as "press and hold" - you choose either space or time component, push "press" button, and then "hold" to manipulate it. What could that button be? Singularity, of course, where space and time are connected. Singularity is the switch between physical and temporal domain.

From the space point of view, space is of vector (6) and time is of scalar (1) nature. From time point of view, time is of vector (2) and space is of scalar (1) nature. When you are in the physical domain you can rotate and manipulate space. When you enter the temporal domain you can move time backwards or forwards.

Chronological tempering is the secret which must be kept safe from the human reach. If such a device falls in the wrong hand we are doomed. Look what humans physically did with Earth and its atmosphere, just imagine what will they do temporally if they get a time machine. The consequences will be disastrous with paradoxes all around. Humanity is not near the collective or individual psychological level sufficient enough to deal with such an advanced technology.
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Time machine not possible.
Earth climate is an issue, pollution is an issue, Geo cycles is an issue, solar cycles are an issue.
All these issues we can look at the data.
Too many express opinion and sometimes the mob rules.
Aug 31, 2021
Time machine not possible.
Earth climate is an issue, pollution is an issue, Geo cycles is an issue, solar cycles are an issue.
All these issues we can look at the data.
Too many express opinion and sometimes the mob rules.

A lot of things wasn`t possible until they became possible. For example, humans couldn`t fly but today we have airplanes and we even travel across our solar system. I do not want to share your lack of imagination. If you want to believe that something is not possible, like time travel, that is your right but please do not include me into such (restricted) thinking. :)

Earth climate, pollution and rest of the problems, yes, all of that are issues and we must deal with it. At the same time, may we contemplate about deeper misteries?

Only looking at the data throughout entire human history wouldn`t lead us nowhere. It was ideas, dreams and phantasies that preceded almost every discovery. It was science fiction that often announced future cognitions. Statistic is useful only to the certain extent.

Too many express opinion? Well, everyone has the right to express opinion. But for someone`s opinion to be valid that opinion must be founded on solid evidence and logic. Unfortunately, sometimes mob rules but it isn`t mob`s fault. It is society that is unable to provide law and order. Evil does not exist. Evil is manifestation of utter stupidity. Every mistake arise from ignorance. Lack of knowledge is true origin of evil.
Aug 31, 2021
Don’t limit your thoughts.
Don’t allow my points of view to influence your journey.
I would encourage you to keep on learning.
I need to learn and research much more,

I respect every comment. There are no bad comments only bad replies to the comments.
No one can limit my thoughts yet anyone can influence my thinking if something interesting is made present.
I haven`t seen any argument in the favour of your statement that "time travel is not possible" other than because we do not still know how to do it. :)


Jan 19, 2022
For our long-term survival, beyond the death of our star and our galaxy, we’ll have to learn to travel freely through space-time at many times the speed of light. In looking for another home in another galaxy, we’ll need to travel there to explore, then return to our home planet in our own time while avoiding the potential paradoxes.

This is a tall order, but I’m not ready to say it’s impossible.

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