Mysterious fast radio bursts could be caused by asteroids slamming into dead stars

Dec 3, 2024
I'm curious as to why FRB's aren't being talked about as a "Technology" signal, or, at least I haven't read any articles or reports that talk about FRB's as a possible source of technological signal. Why does it need to be explained as a naturally occurring? I do understand the scientific theories behind the many explanations, and many of them have very interesting ideas to consider. There's alot that we don't understand yet, but there's alot that we do. When it comes to the advances in our technology and scientific understanding, we are merely at the beginning, trying to find the door to further space exploration.
Dec 3, 2024
I'm wondering if something like a binary asteroid could account for repeated FRB's, or maybe a tidally disrupted body colliding with a NS on its second passage similar to comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with jupiter. on a related note, are the reason that the bursts are in the radio spectrum because of the redshift of the stars gravity or is that not enough to bring something like UV or Gamma all the way down to radio waves?

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