NASA employee at Kennedy Space Center tests positive for coronavirus

Dec 11, 2019
I question why doesn't anybody seem to know somebody with the Corona Virus or somebody who died from it? Yet all these celebs and a NASA employee. Come on who is falling for this anymore? This is a lame attempt of the Globalists to try not to lose their power over the world. They are going to fail miserably and the Powers That Be will be The Powers That Were.
Mar 24, 2020
I question why doesn't anybody seem to know somebody with the Corona Virus or somebody who died from it? Yet all these celebs and a NASA employee. Come on who is falling for this anymore? This is a lame attempt of the Globalists to try not to lose their power over the world. They are going to fail miserably and the Powers That Be will be The Powers That Were.

Yes, I do. A close friend of mine just died from this terrible disease, so shove your conspiracy theory up your @$$.

I question how someone as stupid as you has access to the internet.
Dec 20, 2019
The first positive case of coronavirus at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida was confirmed today (March 23).

NASA employee at Kennedy Space Center tests positive for coronavirus : Read more
Kind of reminds me of the Apollo movie where the astronauts were more worried about having to abort the mission than the danger involved. Being a retired Mission controller, I am VERY sorry to see this virus delay or even ruin some missions. While there is definitely danger we must not panic. Do what you can to get over this so we can get moving again. AND WASH YOUR HANDS!

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