A very hard plane to taxi on the ground. The aircraft is the only one to have a bicycle landing gear. There are two little wheels that are on poles that fit into holes in the wings. These small wheels keep the wings from scraping on the ground during takeoff. Once the aircraft has left the ground, these two small wheels fall off the aircraft, and skittle down the runway, and are recovered by ground crews. They are about 4 feet long. When the aircraft comes in to land, there are bicycle wheels, but none of these wing tip wheels, so the pilot has to continue to fly the aircraft after it lands, even while the aircraft is going only 20MPH. A ground crew member stands next to the runway, and carefully waits for the approach of the aircraft. At this point the aircraft is going only 10-15MPH. When the aircraft nears the crew member, the guy starts to run, and catches the wing tip of the aircraft keeping the aircraft level, and not allowing the other wing tip to catch the ground. When the aircraft stops, the small wheels on the poles are brought in and re-inserted into the holes in the wings, and the aircraft is ready to taxi like a normal aircraft. This ballet is done for the U2 with every takeoff and landing.