NASA reveals astronauts flying on SpaceX's Crew-10 mission to the ISS

May 15, 2024
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Boeing should be penalized for doing a poor job, despite the fact that they received almost twice as much money than Space X to develop a new spaceship. NASA should have cancelled their contract in 2019, when the deadline to produce the spaceship was. There could be better, more responsible, less wasteful and less corrupt companies building the next generation of spaceships. Boeing is a has been company, it is now a failed McDonnell-Douglas Co., masquerading as the once excellent Boeing Company. They developed an unnaturally close and influential relationship with the decision makers of the Pentagon and members of the Congress, that should be stopped immediately. Boeing should be put on probation, their management should be replaced entirely with competent people with the best engineering and management experience. The Government should defend our best interest and demand the best work from a nationally very important leader in the defense industry and civilian plane builder.

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