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*I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this*<br /><br />Have you guys been watching NASA TV recently? What do you think?<br /><br />I was watching it tonight (Tuesday @ 7pm GMT) and thought wow, nasa-tv has really continually up-ed their game since new vision announcement back in 2004. I watched a very cool review of STS-114 with Eileen Collins, she is such a special leader, NASA has just gotta love her! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> When you watch her talk about space missions and returning to the moon you just can't help but get excited!! The videos, and slideshow at the end was really good too.<br /><br />I then watched <b>Water for Tea</b> narrated by <i>Patrick Stewart</i> aka Star Trek's Captain Picard... at least it sounded like him <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> Another inspiring production highlighting the importance of water and a satellite mission to monitor the planet.<br /><br />Next up was <b>Humans in Space</b>, a really slick production looking at the necessity of human space exploration!<br /><br />I have to say I don't know what you guys think, but I've been impressed with NASA latest programmes.<br /><br />Have you guys seen anything good on there recently?
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