It is amazing Probe!
We have multiple space assets such as Parker Probe, European probes and finally Aditya L1 that can help us study Distribution and LEO and Radiation belts related effects of CME.
As some papers were published by NASA Goddard Center and Institute at NY,, what is required is constant updates through enriching open databases with such additional real-time data, similar to what the LHC type updates provide for particle Physics.
Not only for Space Weather and protection of Space Assets, these will also help manage the grids and power distribution on Earth.
(Dr. Ravi Sharma, Ph.D. USA)
NASA Apollo Achievement Award
ISRO Distinguished Service Awards
Former MTS NASA HQ MSEB Apollo
Former Scientific Secretary ISRO HQ
Ontolog Board of Trustees
Particle and Space Physics
Senior Enterprise Architect
SAE Fuel Cell Tech Committee voting member for 20 years.