I would like to poll everyone who is interest on what they feel NASA's top 3 priorities should be. I will start it off:<br /><br />1) CATS - Cheap Access to Space<br />2) Promoting spin-off’s and the commercialization of space<br />3) Exploration & science.<br /><br />I feel that NASA should devote most of its resources to opening up space for the rest of us. The best and only way I can think of doing this is through the development of CATS technology. Now granted private industry is making headways in this area with the X-Prize but I feel there should be government incentives and support.<br /><br />There is historical precedence for this. The America's were not discovered and colonized until it was made easily accessible to private industry. Queen Isabella helped Columbus by funding his venture. Look at this as one of the first entrepreneurs seeking and getting venture capital with government help.<br /><br />The second example is the American West. Two things made the colonization of the west explode: 1) Discovery of gold, 2) and the transcontinental railroad. The railroad is an excellent example of CATS.<br /><br />Once orbital space is conquered, NASA should refocus to just exploration and to continue to support industry where needed.<br /><br />I truly believe (like it or not) that business is the dominant institution in the world and the only one most capable of taking humanity to the next level and government should support it in the best tradition of free eneterpise.<br /><br />Thank you,<br /><br />Rick<br />