New cosmic map reveals the universe's matter isn't as 'clumpy' as it should be, this report shows a simulation demonstrates the Universe is perfectly combatable with BB cosmology, LCDM.

This article states, "Scientists have released one of the most accurate maps of the universe's matter ever created, featuring precise measurements of its distribution throughout the cosmos. One surprising revelation from the map is that matter isn't as "clumpy" as our current best model of the universe suggests it should be, meaning something could be missing from our standard cosmological model." By helping to reveal how matter in the very early cosmos was flung outward before it formed galaxies, stars and planets, the new map could give scientists a better understanding of how the universe evolved."

So, one report presents a computer simulation showing how perfect or nearly perfectly the cosmos matches BB cosmology, now this report suggests some wrinkles could exist in the paradigm :)

The article here states: "Following the creation of matter and the rapid expansion during the Big Bang around 13.8 billion years ago, the universe expanded and that matter spread outward. As this matter, mostly in the form of hydrogen and helium, cooled, it led to the formation of the first stars, which then synthesized heavier elements. By tracking the path of this primordial matter as it spread outward and looking at how it is distributed today, scientists can rewind time and recreate that early epoch of the universe. Doing this, however, requires a huge amount of astronomical data."

My observation. "Following the creation of matter and the rapid expansion during the Big Bang around 13.8 billion years ago, the universe expanded, and that matter spread outward."

Who, what, when, where, how, and why reporting. How rapid did the universe expand here? My answer, more than 100 x c velocity when you use cosmology calculators. The CMBR appears as light about 380,000 years after BB and the universe starts out in a diameter about the size of an electron or smaller. 380,000 years later, the radius is some 40-42 million light years, according to cosmology calculators. Tracking all the normal matter than and tracing out how it spreads around as the universe continues to expand, looks challenging :)

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