New Planet Detection Method.

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This is very cool:

"if smaller planets exist in addition to a large planet, the lesser siblings will exert a gravitational tug on the larger planet that changes its orbit, causing deviations in the regular cycle of transits.

The TTV technique compares these deviations with predictions that are made from extensive computer-based calculations. The estimates allow astronomers to infer the preliminary makeup of the planetary system being studied – including the presence of possible Earth-like planets.

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'We detected periodic variations in the transit timing of WASP-3b,' Maciejewski said in a statement. 'These variations can be explained by an additional planet in the system, with a mass of 15 Earth-mass (i.e. one Uranus mass) and a period of 3.75 days.'
This newly discovered planet was named WASP-3c, and is among the smallest exoplanets found to date. It is also one of the least massive planets known to orbit a star that is more massive than our sun."

Full article here: ... 00719.html

It may not be much longer before an earth mass planet is found.
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