New recipe for gravity could unite Einstein's general relativity with quantum physics — and probe the dark universe

The referenced paper has no mention of Dark Energy except in the footnotes and is dated 2007. Whoever wrote the accompanying article appears unaware of the recent explanation for Dark Energy, which is time dilation. This is the second article in SDC that misses the point. What am I missing?
Feb 8, 2020
you are not missing anything except that the universe is magnetised and polarized thus their are dark electric forces operating in space.
No dark matter/energy has been found in space as more powerful dark massless electro-magnetic forces are needed to balance the WMAP 4.6% result

1. The dark mass attraction force G is the weakest in deep space volume x,y,z.

2 Electromagnetic dark matter magnoflux3D spin x,y inertia force of about 6.28G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub

3. Electro-static repel about 25G Cos ϴ dark energy force in z direction is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are huge +charges which push each other away thus expanding the universe but which find planetary electron matter attracts their EM light energy easily causing stars to age.

Photon energy is a 3D volume of Magnoflux spin inertia energy and hence any formula where the dark energy forward force Is not at right angles to the flux/current spin must contain a Cosine angle as the reduction of real energy will form quantum Var’s virtual units.

This also applied to Planck constant =hf Cos ϴ and probably EM light=mc^2 Cos ϴ.

To measure energy in MKS units relies on knowing its mass which is zero so very confusing to physicists who cannot understand we live in an electro-magnetic universe.
See for more info.
Aug 1, 2023
The referenced paper has no mention of Dark Energy except in the footnotes and is dated 2007. Whoever wrote the accompanying article appears unaware of the recent explanation for Dark Energy, which is time dilation. This is the second article in SDC that misses the point. What am I missing?
There are some concept issues in article and comments: Please provide a definition of what the heck the force is.
Something must exist that moves masses, but from its effects you can deduct only that 'force' exists.
Is the same 'the force' than the 'Orgon', than the 'Animal magnetism', than Manitou, than TransCranial Magnetic Stimulation', than the Vedic term 'dyaus'?

For sure 'force' is dark, it never emits electromagnetic radiation, light.

For sure all matter is dark, be it an Hydrogen atom lost in space, or a ball the size of Saturn, unless illuminated by light, matter remains a 'Black body'
So, what?
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Aug 1, 2023
Is there a need to look for a cause of universe expansion different to Laws of Perfect Gases, by Boyle-Mariotte, Gay-Lussac et al?
If you put inside an empty space a ball of extremely dense and extremely hot matter, and matter can't be compressed smaller than the size of 'Strings', if string exist, it will expand.
Lorentz transform applies to the actual speed of expansion, also optical phenomena, as not all parts in universe are equally refractory to the visible light we take for some of our models.
Aug 1, 2023
The universe does not expand into empty space. It expands into itself.
Yes, without matter, space and time do not exist, but the image of something, let's say, an Universe with the shape of a ball, a Mobius strip, a Saddle hanging somewhere or in the air or ether could be an inner apriorism of our sensitivity, our senses.
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Feb 8, 2020
How or who created the universe is totally unknown but what we can do is work out how it can be stabilized and balanced.
WMAP result needs dark forces to obtain that balance but has ignored any electrical effects that exist in deep space. All magnoflux hypothesis is doing is using the WMAP result and explaining it electrically.
Nov 20, 2019
hi, i don't know if the theories about the influence of time dilation are well-founded (I would tend to think it's very strange that for decades those who study dark energy have ignored this aspect, and I think it will be invalidated sooner or later), but certainly the electric universe model is more interesting than the standard one officially adopted. But how do you respond to the criticisms of the charge models, also alternative, that I prefer? How does the thunderbolts community explain, for example, the lack of evidence of a flow of electrons or other ions in the direction of the sun, which should close the electric circuit on the equatorial plane of the solar system?
The Sun certainly gives off mass in all directions. Due to the high temperatures, most of it is ionized, most of the ions electrons and protons. The two particles have equal but opposite charges and differ in mass by a factor of 1,836. Electrons are thus more mobile and would be preferentially thrown away from the Sun. Eventually the Sun would become so positively charged it would attract electrons and the two outward flows would equalize. No return current needed as the electric field would exactly counterbalance any difference in mobilities.
Feb 8, 2020
The return electrons from planet to star are rotating photon shells which circle around the positive solar wind which is going in the reverse direction.
The magnoflux tunnels connect negatively charged matter objects to the targeted sun or star positively charged anti-matter sources from which the EM light and solar wind came from.
Cannot work out how to attach a pic from computer but you can see them on
The flux of charge from our star is paradoxical. A seemingly equal flux with a neutral net charge and no associated magnetic field generated with it.

We know that a generated M field would oppose the acceleration. But there doesn’t appear to be one.

And this acceleration has no measurable end. Still accelerating after months…… out past Neptune so far.

This is a mass loss every day. And a gravity loss every day.

And eons and eons of unseen accelerated matter. At high velocity thru space. Could it eventually form a fluid? And flow? A large directional flow? Perhaps a web?

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