you are not missing anything except that the universe is magnetised and polarized thus their are dark electric forces operating in space.
No dark matter/energy has been found in space as more powerful dark massless electro-magnetic forces are needed to balance the WMAP 4.6% result
1. The dark mass attraction force G is the weakest in deep space volume x,y,z.
2 Electromagnetic dark matter magnoflux3D spin x,y inertia force of about 6.28G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub
3. Electro-static repel about 25G Cos ϴ dark energy force in z direction is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are huge +charges
which push each other away thus expanding the universe but which find planetary electron matter attracts their EM light energy easily causing stars to age.
Photon energy is a 3D volume of Magnoflux spin inertia energy and hence any formula where the dark energy forward force Is not at right angles to the flux/current spin must contain a Cosine angle as the reduction of real energy will form quantum Var’s virtual units.
This also applied to Planck constant =hf Cos ϴ and probably EM light=mc^2 Cos ϴ.
To measure energy in MKS units relies on knowing its mass which is zero so very confusing to physicists who cannot understand we live in an electro-magnetic universe.
See for more info.